Tutorial bikin foto jadi kartun lewat photoshop
Awalnya aku belajar buat foto kartun ini karena aku coba lihat papan2 reklame koq ada foto orang bisa jadi kartun ya?! Wah, gmn tuh ya caranya?! Akhirnya aku coba tanya2 tmen2 design, eh ternyata semua pada malez jawabnya,” katanya sih susah njelasinnya!” Ya udah, aku searching di internet kampuz make’ laptopnya tmen blg kalo mau upload data…hehehe.. (Thnx ya bro dah mau pinjemin laptopnya…). Abiz ktmu beberapa artikel, aku simpen dan aku pelajari dirumah ternyata banyak yang make’ adobe ilustrator, ada yang make’ corel trace, truz pake’photoshop dijadi’in satu.., Ribet bgt ya?! Aku ndiri ja jg bingunggng..:) Lagian kompterku jga adanya cuma photoshop sama corel. Ya udah,aku coba ptuskan make’ photoshop aja! bisa ga ya?! Eh, trnyata bsa juga koq! Yawdah langsung aja, ga enk neh ntar dikira ceramah lgi…:D
=====> Pertama-tama, mulai dengan memilah2 siapa objek yang mau di trace dan foto mana yg mau di trace. untuk foto sebaiknya ygn terlalu kecil ukurannya. Untuk siapa objeknya, lebih baik org yg spesial buat kita, ato ga gtu cwek2 yang sexy karena bisa jadi pemacu semangat..hehehe atau klo kmu rada narsis, boleh menjadikan dirimu sebagai objek. hehehehehehehehehehe.. *gue banget* misalnya foto yang ini…
o1. OK, mulai dengan buka Adobe photoshop, aku sih pakenya Adobe photoshop 7.0
o2. Ukuran dokument bebas lah, biasanya document color mode CMYK aja, biar realistis.. Untuk kali ini aku make’kertasnya lgsng dari crop2an fto. Dan aku ngambilnya cuma wajahnya aja biar g trallu lama..
o3. Biar lbh gampang nge-tracenya, buka fotonya di Photoshop. Trus kasih filter Poster Edges yg ada di menu Filter > Artistic > Poster Edges…, trus atur sendiri settingannya coz tiap foto gak sama khan.. langkah ini optional aja, biar garis2 antara daerah berbayang-bayang dan yg terang keliatan jelas bedanya. Hasilnya kaya gini nih..
o4. Klo masih dirasa kurang, tambahin filter cutout, tapi kayanya berlebihan deh..hehehe
o5. Abis itu, buat layer baru, letakkan diatas layer foto yang di crop tadi dan sudah menjadi backgroun biar fto yang menjadi dasar tidak berubah-ubah. Istilahnya “NGEBLAT” (ga tau tuh bhsa drmn, wktu kcil nggambar sih gtu ktnya…hehehe)
o6. OK, persiapan cukup, let’s get it started…
o7. Mulai dengan menggambar bagian dasarnya, gambar rambutya, sama poni yg muncul dikit tuh..hehehehe rambut bisa dikasih warna (fill) hitam tau trsh klian deh, dan garis pinggirnya (stroke) hitam legam dengan ketebalan 1-2pt. Untuk ngeset ketebalan stroke, tekan layer klik 2x. Ntr muncul box layer style, plih bawah sndiri stroke. Untuk ngeset warnanya, tinggal di dobel klik aja kotak warnanya…
o8. Nah klo udah, mulai gambar lagi di layer baru.Kali ini bikin bayangan utama yang ada di muka. Na, disini mulai kerasa banget gunanya foto tadi di trace dulu. Garis-garis bayangannya mudah diikuti. Sampai seterusnya stiap mw nggambar buat layer baru jadi ntr klo slah tnggl hapus tuh layer lalu bikin baru lagi.
09. Nah mulai masuk ke bagian tersulit. Mata!! Karena begitu bagian ini gak mirip, maka hasilnya gak bakalan mirip sama foto aslinya. Bikin yg sederhana aja, gak usah terlalu rumit. Untuk warna bola mata, jangan putih murni. Boleh pake warna putih, tapi inget, turunkan opacitynya. Karena gak ada manusia yang bagian putih di matanya benar2 putih. Ntar malah jadi serem… Ingat, bagian mata harus, wajib, kudu mirip! Klo perlu diulang2 terus…Klo capek, mendingan istirahat dulu aja… Minum kopi, rokok’an, ntn tv..Malah nggak selsai2..
10. Klo istirahat dah kelar, dan gambar mata dah kelar, lanjutin bagian mulut. Bagian ini bagian paling sulit nomer dua. Karena klo gak mirip juga bakalan ancur. Walopun gak se-fatal bagian mata… Pelan2 aja, dimulai dengan bayang2 disekitar mulut, bibir, dan gigi. Bibir boleh pake pink “EA89B7″ dengan opacity 25%, dan 30% (ada dua bagian khan…).
11. Belum mirip? Emang belum jadi!! Bagian mulut ini masih garing! Bayang2nya masih kurang tegas, tambahin lagi. Bayangan dibawah hidung juga belum ada.
12. Sambil minum kopi, pelototin gambar tadi sama gambar aslinya, sambil bayangin orangnya, hehehe. Mirip gak? klo belum, benerin lagi, tarik2 path yg masih belum rapih. Mainin opacitynya. Yang penting mirip orang aslinya, bukan mirip foto aslinya. Karena penonton juga gak bakalan tau foto aslinya kayak gimana. Yg orang kenal kan “siapa objek dalam gambar itu…” Klo udah, lock semua layernya.
13. Saatnya membuat backgroundnya, kali ini bebas lah. Yg jelas bikin layer baru lagi aja. Kali ini tepat diatas layer foto asli.Jadi layer nomer 2 dari bawah.
14. Tahap perbaikan, dimana tahap ini adalah tahap penyelesaian terakhir : yaitu dengan memperhalus bagian2 yang dirasa masih kasar menggunakan brush / penghapus.
15. YUP !! Tara…!! Ucapkan puji syukur alhamdulillah, lalu tunjukkan pada temen2, keluarga, pacar. Apakah mereka mengenalinya? Klo gak kenal juga berarti emang gak kenal, segera perkenalkan mereka dengan si objek.. hehehehe.. Yg jelas, tunjukkan hasilnya pada si objek, semoga jadi hadiah yg spesial buat dia…
Yang perlu diingat, bikin semua ini gak segampang keliatannya. Syarat utama adalah kesabaran..hihihihi. Waktu yg diperlukan juga gak sedikit. Untuk proyek diatas, menghabiskan waktu setengah hari, dengan rata2 durasinya 2-3 jam. Tu pun msh blm maksimal abiz deadline sih..:) Oya, jgn lupa berlatih dengan Software lainnya kaya AI tuh bagus. Gak perlu bikin vektor orang, tapi cukup dengan mencari sendiri persoalan yg kita temui. Seperti bagaimana menggabungkan dua path tertutup?, atau bagaimana membuat gradient yg terdiri dari banyak warna?, atau bagaimana membuat lubang pada sebuah objek?
Sori sesudahnya klo kurang detil tutorialnya. Coz, klo terlalu detil ntar cepet lupa. Biasanya klo cara2nya cari sendiri, gak bakalan lupa…
OK, that’s all SobatMUda.. kapan2 klo ada penemuan baru, insyaAllah dibuatin tutorial lagi yg lebih keren lagi deh.. Klo ada kurang2nya mohon pencerahannya..
from: http://freakerrulz.blogspot.com
Selasa, 30 Desember 2008
Minggu, 21 Desember 2008
Qtek 1010
Reset the Pocket PC Phone and Clear Memory
You can perform a soft reset or a full reset – a soft reset restarts your device and a full reset switches the battery off. The result of a soft reset is that some data may be lost in programs that are open, however, the result of cutting power is to wipe all the data and new programs you have added, and return the device to factory setting – i.e. it will only have the software that was present when you bought it. On this basis, it is important not to think about a full reset as you would restarting, shutting down or even switching off improperly your desktop, but rather like a complete crash requiring you having to wipe your OS. The importance of backing up data to a SD card or your computer cannot be stressed enough - in the event you have to perform a full reset your data will not be lost.
To perform a soft reset:
If your Pocket PC Phone responds slowly stops responding or freezes, try soft resetting it. A soft reset causes the Pocket PC Phone to restart and re-adjust memory allocation. Unsaved data in open windows may be lost.
• Use the stylus to press and hold the Reset button.
1. Soft Reset. Press into the hole with the end of your stylus to reset your device
Qtek 1010 hard reset soft reset hardreset softreset
To perform a full reset - hard reset:
A full device reset clears memory, deletes all data and restores the Pocket PC Phone to its default settings. Programs installed at the factory remain, while data you have created and programs you have installed are erased.
1. Unscrew the stylus and use the smaller point of the top-half.
Qtek 1010 hard reset soft reset hardreset softreset
2. Press the battery switch once to turn it off, and then once more to turn it back on.
Qtek 1010 hard reset soft reset hardreset softreset
Reset the Pocket PC Phone and Clear Memory
You can perform a soft reset or a full reset – a soft reset restarts your device and a full reset switches the battery off. The result of a soft reset is that some data may be lost in programs that are open, however, the result of cutting power is to wipe all the data and new programs you have added, and return the device to factory setting – i.e. it will only have the software that was present when you bought it. On this basis, it is important not to think about a full reset as you would restarting, shutting down or even switching off improperly your desktop, but rather like a complete crash requiring you having to wipe your OS. The importance of backing up data to a SD card or your computer cannot be stressed enough - in the event you have to perform a full reset your data will not be lost.
To perform a soft reset:
If your Pocket PC Phone responds slowly stops responding or freezes, try soft resetting it. A soft reset causes the Pocket PC Phone to restart and re-adjust memory allocation. Unsaved data in open windows may be lost.
• Use the stylus to press and hold the Reset button.
1. Soft Reset. Press into the hole with the end of your stylus to reset your device
Qtek 1010 hard reset soft reset hardreset softreset
To perform a full reset - hard reset:
A full device reset clears memory, deletes all data and restores the Pocket PC Phone to its default settings. Programs installed at the factory remain, while data you have created and programs you have installed are erased.
1. Unscrew the stylus and use the smaller point of the top-half.
Qtek 1010 hard reset soft reset hardreset softreset
2. Press the battery switch once to turn it off, and then once more to turn it back on.
Qtek 1010 hard reset soft reset hardreset softreset
Hard Reset (or Full Reset)
Performing a hard reset, all settings, records and programs stored in the Pda
(except the ones stored in Rom) will be erased.
After a Hard Reset formats, preferences, and other settings will be restored
to the factory default settings.
You can restore any previous data if you got a Backup of your device before
the hard reset otherwise you will need to reinstall any third-party applications.
If you are hard resetting your device owing to some hard problem i suggest
to restores installed applications without using the backup if you are not sure
that backup data do not include the problem you wish to solve also. In few words a hard reset allows you to start everything over from scratch.
WARNING: for WM 5.0 users (wrongly called also as WM 2005)
The new operative system Windows Mobile 5.0 totally modified the use and the construction of the internal memory of the PDA. For all the models that use this new O.S. the Ram is used only as the operative memory while the users' programs before loaded into the same kind of memory are now stored in Rom (or FRom, FlashRom etc) that is working now as an HD and is no longer subject to the lost of data following a full discharge of battery.
What said above causes a possible different execution of the usual HardReset operation. We can note that, while the soft reset is still unchanged, for the classic Hard Reset, that resumes the original default setting, has been added new processes with different name and result quite different from the hard reset as usually known. We may say something like the Warm reset of Palm already used. So for any new pda will be added the new procedure if any (the one that is different from the classic Hard Reset ) and it will be shown by a different colour.
ATTENTION: The soft reset requires only to push a button and the only
difference is the place where this button is located. It is not so easy to perform an Hard Reset as, in many cases each group of devices has its own procedure and buttons locations.
To try to make it easy the instructions are shown quoting the relative devices:
1032C Maestro
Press the power button while pressing and holding the reset switch with the stylus, and then release the power button. When a screen appears, release the reset switch. When initialization is completed, the Welcome screen
appears. Set up the system as in the case of startup process.
for the soft reset note that these model have the button in different places (at the bottom, rear or side).
To perform an hard reset you need instead to to toggle the reset switch to the left and back to the right.
The reset switch is usually at the bottom of the devices except for n20 model for which you have to remove battery
as the reset switch is located in the right side of the battery bay.
For this model to perform a soft reset use the tip of the stylus to press the reset button inside the hole on the left
side of the unit. To perform an hard reset, while holding the Today and Messaging buttons, press the reset button
inside the hole as detailed above.
While holding pressed the Messaging and Today buttons in front of the device, press the reset button into the hole
at the bottom of the handheld.
MyPAL 620
Press and hold at the same time the button 3 (Contact) and the stylus in the "Reset" button located on the right
of MyPal to access to "BIOS" . Using the stylus press the button "Reset" and all is done.
It appears that there is another way to perform an Hard Reset on this device. Push and hold power button and press the reset button and all is done.
This device has in the space under the battery a little switch that you can move to disable the Backup battery.
As to reach the switch you removed the main battery, this action performs an Hard Reset. (this is another way along with the mutiple buttons to avoid accidental hard resets)
You can use the second procedure mentioned above for the a620, I.E.
To press the power button and at the same time the soft reset button using the stylus.
To perform an Hard reset press and hold the power button while you press the tip of your stylus on the reset switch at the bottom. This will cancell all data that unit is elaborating reinstating the device to the default setting
of the watch.
To perform a Clean Boot (that really coorrespond to a true Hard Reset), press the Speaker (-) button and at the same time the button Change Modality and also the stylus on the reset button. This will reinstate the device to the
original default setting.
To perform a clean reset, press the launch button simultaneously pressing the stylus on the reset button. Then when a warning message appears follow the instructions and press to do clean reset, or press to leave the operation screen. Performing a clean reset will delete all data.
Mars II/(O2 xda Zinc)
To perform a hard reset, use the stylus to reach the reset button found besides the device's camera button.
Keep the stylus on the reset button and press the Up Navigation button at the same time.
P535 - P735
To restore default settings tap Start > Settings > System tab > Default Settings.
Input ‘1234’ in password field and tap Ok confirm that you want to restore the default settings.
You can also performe the hard reset by pressing the UP button of the navigation key and the reset button at the same time.
Press and hold power button. At the same time use the stylus to press the recessed Reset button.
When the screen has faded off release both buttons and when the power indicator light up green press the power button to restart the unit.
E-115/125 & EM-500
The procedure is less authomatized than the others. Remove the CompactFlash card and power on the unit.
Holding down the power button, use the stylus to press the reset button for about 2 seconds. You will see shown on the screen: "Proceeding with this operation initializes memory. Press (Action) to proceed or (Start) to cancel". Press the (Action) option to perform the Reset.
CLIE Sony /-
Connect the CLIE handheld using the AC adapter and take out the stylus pin by twisting the upper part of the stylus.
Push down and hold the power button of the unit and use the stylus to slowly press and release the reset button on the back.
When the Palm screen will appear release the power button. At the "Erase all data?" prompt, push the upper part of the scroll button on the front of the device to confirm OK. The Sony pda is now resetted and you have only to follow the SetUp steps as prompted.
Aero 15xx Series
Remove both the main and backup battery, wait at least 1 minute, then replace the batteries. (Backup Battery on the left side)
iPaq 3600, 3700 Series 36xx bottom
Press the recessed soft reset button in the hole on the bottom right for more than 3 seconds to perform a hard reset.
You can also perform a hard reset opening the door on the bottom left of the device and moving the switch behind the door to obtain the same result
iPAQ H3800/H3900/5450/5500
To perform a hard reset first remove the expansion packs if any, thence turn the device on (not connected to AC power) and press and hold two outside buttons ( 1 Calendar and 4 iPAQ Task ), also insert stylus into the reset button at bottom of iPAQ and pressing and holding this for 5 secs. Release the above buttons in any sequence. To reactivate iPAQ, insert stylus into soft reset button or simply connect to ipaq AC adapter.
Axim x5/ X3i
Another procedure a little more involved than the others.Press and hold the Power Button thence, using the stylus press and hold the reset button on the left side of the unit until the message "To clear all data press the Contacts button" is shown. Press the required button located to the left of the directional pad. When you see the message "Tap the screen to set up your Pocket PC" execute the requested action and follow the instructions on screen to set up your PDA again
Axim X30 / X50
To perform an hard reset press and hold the Power button and at the same time the Reset button by the stylus for about 2 seconds. Follow the nstructions shown.
Axim X51
To perform an hard reset press and hold the Power button and at the same time the Reset button by the stylus Release the 2 buttons and you will see on the screen the instructions To clear all data in the memory Press Contacts button to complete the hard reset. Otherwise press Mail button to cancel the operation.
Press and hold the power button and at the same time press, using the stylus, the Reset button on the device's side.
M600 - G500
Press and hold the power button and at the same time press,using the stylus, the Reset button on the device's side.
Release both buttons at the same time and reply YES to the questions to cancel registry and to reinstall default settings.
Hold the “Power Button” and press the “Reset Button” with the stylus, and release both buttons simultaneously.
Next, hold the End Button until the system inquiry screen is displayed, then release the End Button and answer the question(s).
Hold the Power button and press the Reset button using the stylus. Release both buttons at the same time and next press the 'End Button' until the inquiry screen appears. Reply to the question.
Loox 400 series
Simultaneously press reset button at the bottom using stylus cap and the Suspend/Resume button on top front of the unit. After about 10 seconds a pictures will appear on th screen and a tone sounds
Loox 720 - 710
Use the point into the unscrewed stylus cap to press the soft reset button at the bottom and at the same time press the button suspend/resume in front right corner. After about 10 seconds, when you will see a new screen
image and you will hear an advice sound, follows the relative instruction.
Loox n500/520
Take the stylus and screw it apart.Press the tip into the soft reset opening and at the same time the suspend/resume and calendar buttons
Hold the suspend/resume and the calendar button pressed for a few seconds. The reset can take a few minutes.
A signal is sounded after the reset is complete. Follow the instructions
Slide off the battery cover and quickly remove an then refit main battery. Wait few seconds and athe same time press the End button and the Reset button using the stylus tip. The screen will show some options.
Select SKIP to perform a normal cold start, or Factory Defaults if you confirm to performe an Hard Reset.
When a signal will sound follow the instructions on the screen
iQue 3000
press the reset button on the unit's back. Immediatly after press and hold the Power button until you see thePalm Logo. Then release the Power button. You will see on the screen a message advising you are about to eraseall unit's data. Now you can press the upper half of the scroll button in front of the device to confirm the hard reset or any other button to execute a simple reset instead.
g-Smart (i.Bond)
Press the power button on the top and on the keypad press 7 and 9 (three buttons together) It will display "formating" (Hardreset)
Hold down the power button on the front panel of your handheld. Holding down the power button, press the reset button by paper clip. As soon as you see the logo on the screen, release the power button.
Press the up scroll button on the front panel to perform a hard reset or press any other button to perform a soft reset. You can restore backed up data by performing a HotSync operation.
HP /-
Jornada 520, 525, 540, 545, 547, and 548
Press and hold the soft reset button and press the power button.
Jornada 564, 565, 567, and 568
Perform a soft reset using the button on the back of the device, thence remove the main and backup battery for some minutes. (The backup battery is locked on the left side of the device)
iPaq 19xx Series
These devices can be hard reset by pressing and holding the soft recessed button on the left-hand side of the device while you are pressing and holding the power button at the top the unit. Keep buttons pressed for several
seconds until the screen fades.
iPaq 22xx Series
Press and hold Buttons 1 (Calendar) and 4 (iTask) on the front of the device and, at the same time, press the Reset button on the back of the Pocket PC using the device's stylus.
Hold thel buttons until the screen begins to fade (about 3/4 secs). Release the buttons and stylus. If the device has been fully reset, it does not power on and you must reactivate its battery connecting the same to the AC power
or pressng the usual soft reset button with the stylus.
Note: The iPAQ 19xx & 22xx series have a feature called "iPAQ
File Store" allowing to store some data and programs in the Flash ROM. If you used this option, the hard reset will not cancel the data stored therein. Moreover if this area become garbled you risk to have to reflash the Rom.
Do not store date exceeding its storage's space.
iPaq 41xx Series
Press and hold the Power button and at the same time press Reset button in the device's back using the stylus.
Release first the power button , thence the Reset button and you will see the device to reset and to power on again with original setting.
iPaq rz17xx, rx31xx, rx34xx, rx37xx series
Press and hold the extreme left button (Mobile Media) and the extreme right button (iTasks) at the same time and use the stylus to press the reset button at the bottom of the unit. When the screen fades release the two buttons and button under the stylus. If the unit does not power on authomatically perform a simple soft reset.
iPaq hx4700
Press and hold calendar and iTask buttons in the front area, while, holding down the buttons, press using the stylus the reset button on the bottom for about 2 seconds.
iPaq hx2750
press and hold button 1 and 4 on the front of the device and at the same time use the stylus to press reset button on the bottom of the ipaq.
iPaq h6300
Press and hold the Power button for about 3 seconds while at the same time you press by the stylus the reset button on the left side of the unit. When the screen blanks release both the buttons and wait that the device powers on.
iPaq rx1950
To perform a clean reset and return you HP iPAQ to factory settings press and hold the calendar and the iPaq Wireless buttons. While holding down the buttons lighttly press the Reset button by the stylus for about 2 seconds.
When the HP iPAQ screen begins to fade, release the two first buttons and then remove the stylus.
Plug the device into AC adapter o press Reset button again to restart unit.
hx2000 series (not h2210) Press and hold down Calendar and iTask buttons. While holding down these buttons, use the stylus to press the Reset button on the bottom of the iPAQ for about two seconds. When the Pocket PC screen begins to fade, release the mentioned two buttons first, and then remove also the stylus from the Reset.
hw6500 series
To perform an hard reset hold down the Power button and use the stylus to press the recessed Reset button on the bottom for about five seconds. The screen fades and the device resets. Once the device resets and the screen
comes back on, release the Power button and remove the stylus from the Reset.
hw69xx series
To perform an Hard(clean) Reset press and hold the Answer/Send, Power, and End Call buttons. While holding these buttons, by the stylus press the Reset button on the bottom of the iPAQ until the device restarts.
When the HP iPAQ restarts, release all of the buttons, Reset button included.
rw 68xx series
To perform an Hard(clean) reset and return your HP iPAQ to factory settings:
1. Press and hold the Answer/Send, Power, and End Call buttons.
2. While holding these buttons, use the stylus to lightly press the Reset button on the bottom of the HP iPAQ until the device restarts.
3. When the HP iPAQ restarts, release all of the buttons, and then remove the stylus from the Reset button.
rx 57xx/59xx
To perform an Hard Reset(called factory reset) press and hold the Quick Launch and Rotate Screen buttons.
While holding these buttons, use the stylus to press the Reset button until the device restarts.
When the HP iPAQ restarts, release all of the buttons, and remove the stylus from the Reset button
HTC /-
qTek 2020-9090-S100 e Xda-Mda-O2-iMate etc
Press and hold the power button and use the stylus to press the soft reset button at the bottom of the unit at the same time
HTC Wizard(qTek 9100 e i-Mate K-Jam, O2.. etc)
Press and hold the Comm.Manager button along with Voice Command button.
While pressing the two button on the device, use the stylus to press and hold the reset button on the side.
HTC Prophet (Qtek S200,Imate JASmin etc)
Press and hold the CAMERA and COMM MANAGER buttons, and use the stylus to press the RESET button.
Holds the CAMERA and COMM MANAGER buttons until the following message is displayed: “Press Send to restore factory default or press other key to quit".
HTC TyTN(Hermes,Qtek9600,JasJam etc)
Always switch off the device before to execute a full reset. The full reset is the Hard Reset of the device an to execute it push and hold at same time both the SoftKey left and right on the front of the unit while you use the
stylus to press the soft reset button at the bottom of the device.
HTC Universal(qTek 9000 e i-Mate JasJar, Mda Pro..) etc
Press with the fingers the two keys at the same time and keep them pressed. In addition by the stylus press the pin into the RESET opening on the back of the device. Thence pressing 0 button confirm the Hard resetor, using 'x', choice to not perform the Hard Reset.
(be careful to execute an hard reset under WM 5.0 read device's manual before)
HTC P3300 - P3600
Press and hold left and right buttoni - SOFTKEY and using the stylus press the RESET command of the device.
Release the stylus, but hold the above buttons and release them when the screen shows the following message:
“Press SEND to restore manufacturer default, or press ..................”
Now you can press the required button (green call icon)
HTC P3400 Gene
To perform a hard reset (Full Reset) press and hold the left SOFT KEY and the right SOFT KEY, and at the same time, use the stylus to press the RESET button at the middle left side of your device.Release the stylus, but continue pressing the two SOFT KEYs until you see the following message on the screen:This operation will delete all your personal data, and reset all settings to manufacturer default. Press Send to restore manufacturer default, or press other keys to cancel.Release now the two SOFT KEYs, and then press the TALK (Send) button
HTC P4350
Press and hold the left and right SOFT KEY, and at the same time, press the RESET button by the stylus.Release the stylus, but continue pressing the two SOFT KEYs until you see the following message:''This operation will delete all your personal data, and reset all settings to manufacturer default......''Release the two SOFT KEYs, and then press the SEND button
HTC X7500/7501-(ATHENA/ADVANTAGE/Dopod U1000/T.Mobile AMEO)
Slide the Volume slider down and at the same time, use the stylus to press the RESET button at the back of your device. After a brief period of time, two choices will appear on-screen. Press the CENTER OK button to perform the hard reset. (Otherwise, if any, press the CAMERA button to exit.)
HTC S620 Excalibur (T.Mobile Dash, Dopod C720W)
click Start > Expert > Cancel memory to performe an Hard Reset and follow the instructions shown on the screen.The smartphone will restart immediately after the reset.
HTC Startrek Qtek 8500 (iMate SmartFlip/Qtek 8500/Star100/Dopod S300/Cingular 3125)
To reset the smartphone click Start > Accessories > Clear Storage. Follow the on-screen instructions to hard reset. The phone will restart after the reset.
Mio P350/P550
You can go back to the factory default executing an hard reset from Start-> Settings-> SysInfo-> Clean Boot
The display will show two methods:
Method 1: It will clean all data. Include Mio Map.
Method 2: It will clean all data, except Mio Map.
Mio a701
Make sure that A701 is turned off then press and hold at the same time the Down Volume button and the End button.
When the unit start to vibrate you can release both buttons. The unit will turn on automatically and it will show the Setup Wizard. Follow the instructions to complete the operation
Mio a201
Remove the battery cover by pressing and then sliding the cover off.Use the stylus to slide the ON/OFF switch to the ON (left) position . (ON to OFF , then OFF to ON) Install the battery and immediately press the Record Button.
The screen will show "cold boot" and "loading......" At this time, you must replace the battery cover.
Mio 168
Close all the running programs. On the rear of the unit slide the battery switch to OFF.
After about 1 minute return the switch on the ON position. The unit will restart with the original settings.
NEC /-
MobilePro P300
Hold the Power and Record buttons down and insert your stylus into the reset hole.
To perform a soft reset on a Palm (Handspring also) device find the reset button located in a hole on the back of the device. Using the tool in your stylus, or some other object such as a paperclip press reset button inside the hole.
There is also another form of Reset: Warm Reset A warm reset bypasses any system extensions (such as HackMaster hacks, operating system patches, and so on) that are loaded on the device. A warm reset often bypass the "boot loop" error, allowing you to remove applications, previously installed, causing problems. All stored data in the device remain unchanged with a warm reset.
To perform a warm reset hold down the top scroll button and press the reset button inside the hole on the back of your unit. When in the Palm display you see the general preferences screen, release the top scroll button.
After a warm reset, you may need to perform a soft reset to get the device working as normal.
Performing a hard reset you start everything over from scratch. Be sure to back up your files first.
Perform a hard reset only if a soft or warm reset does not solve your problem.
To perform a hard reset hold down the power button (Wireless Mode button on the Treo 600) and press the reset button on the back panel. When the Palm screen appears, release the power button.
You will get a message informing that you are about to erase all your data. To continue, press the top scroll button.
To cancel, press any other button. In this case you will get a soft reset only.
After a hard reset calibrate the digitizer and verify time & date.
xda Atom
Press and hold the power button, and then use the stylus to press the soft reset button at the same time.
TREO palmOne /-
Remove battery cover and find the Reset hole beside the battery (without removing the battery). Press and Hold down the Power/End button and using the stylus press and release the RESET button in the hole.
Release the Power/End button when the Palm Powered logo appears and when you will be asked if you wish to remove all data press the Up button to confirm the Hard Reset.
Toshiba E310
Slide the white switch on the bottom left to the left for a few seconds. The manual says depress the power button at the top with the stylus in the hole in the back and release the power button.
Toshiba E740Slide the white switch at the bottom of the device to the right for few seconds, thence slide it back.
Toshiba e800/805
Use the stylus to move to the right the switch under the rubber cover that
you find above the wifi switch on the bottom of device. After few seconds reinstate switch to original position.
Portege C500 (RG4-E01)
Click Start > Settings > More > Perform Hard Reset then follow the on-screen instructions to reset the phone that will restart after it has been reset.
Portege C900 (RG4-E02) Satellite
After you tried restarting your Toshiba phone, if it still deadlock or freeze, press the Reset button.Even it still deadlock or freeze, remove the battery then re-insert the battery and turn your Toshiba phone on and reinstate all settings.
To perform a hard reset press and hold the Comm Manager button and Voice Command button on the device.Keep the two buttons pressed, and at the same time, use the stylus to lightly press and hold the RESET button.
Performing a hard reset, all settings, records and programs stored in the Pda
(except the ones stored in Rom) will be erased.
After a Hard Reset formats, preferences, and other settings will be restored
to the factory default settings.
You can restore any previous data if you got a Backup of your device before
the hard reset otherwise you will need to reinstall any third-party applications.
If you are hard resetting your device owing to some hard problem i suggest
to restores installed applications without using the backup if you are not sure
that backup data do not include the problem you wish to solve also. In few words a hard reset allows you to start everything over from scratch.
WARNING: for WM 5.0 users (wrongly called also as WM 2005)
The new operative system Windows Mobile 5.0 totally modified the use and the construction of the internal memory of the PDA. For all the models that use this new O.S. the Ram is used only as the operative memory while the users' programs before loaded into the same kind of memory are now stored in Rom (or FRom, FlashRom etc) that is working now as an HD and is no longer subject to the lost of data following a full discharge of battery.
What said above causes a possible different execution of the usual HardReset operation. We can note that, while the soft reset is still unchanged, for the classic Hard Reset, that resumes the original default setting, has been added new processes with different name and result quite different from the hard reset as usually known. We may say something like the Warm reset of Palm already used. So for any new pda will be added the new procedure if any (the one that is different from the classic Hard Reset ) and it will be shown by a different colour.
ATTENTION: The soft reset requires only to push a button and the only
difference is the place where this button is located. It is not so easy to perform an Hard Reset as, in many cases each group of devices has its own procedure and buttons locations.
To try to make it easy the instructions are shown quoting the relative devices:
1032C Maestro
Press the power button while pressing and holding the reset switch with the stylus, and then release the power button. When a screen appears, release the reset switch. When initialization is completed, the Welcome screen
appears. Set up the system as in the case of startup process.
for the soft reset note that these model have the button in different places (at the bottom, rear or side).
To perform an hard reset you need instead to to toggle the reset switch to the left and back to the right.
The reset switch is usually at the bottom of the devices except for n20 model for which you have to remove battery
as the reset switch is located in the right side of the battery bay.
For this model to perform a soft reset use the tip of the stylus to press the reset button inside the hole on the left
side of the unit. To perform an hard reset, while holding the Today and Messaging buttons, press the reset button
inside the hole as detailed above.
While holding pressed the Messaging and Today buttons in front of the device, press the reset button into the hole
at the bottom of the handheld.
MyPAL 620
Press and hold at the same time the button 3 (Contact) and the stylus in the "Reset" button located on the right
of MyPal to access to "BIOS" . Using the stylus press the button "Reset" and all is done.
It appears that there is another way to perform an Hard Reset on this device. Push and hold power button and press the reset button and all is done.
This device has in the space under the battery a little switch that you can move to disable the Backup battery.
As to reach the switch you removed the main battery, this action performs an Hard Reset. (this is another way along with the mutiple buttons to avoid accidental hard resets)
You can use the second procedure mentioned above for the a620, I.E.
To press the power button and at the same time the soft reset button using the stylus.
To perform an Hard reset press and hold the power button while you press the tip of your stylus on the reset switch at the bottom. This will cancell all data that unit is elaborating reinstating the device to the default setting
of the watch.
To perform a Clean Boot (that really coorrespond to a true Hard Reset), press the Speaker (-) button and at the same time the button Change Modality and also the stylus on the reset button. This will reinstate the device to the
original default setting.
To perform a clean reset, press the launch button simultaneously pressing the stylus on the reset button. Then when a warning message appears follow the instructions and press to do clean reset, or press to leave the operation screen. Performing a clean reset will delete all data.
Mars II/(O2 xda Zinc)
To perform a hard reset, use the stylus to reach the reset button found besides the device's camera button.
Keep the stylus on the reset button and press the Up Navigation button at the same time.
P535 - P735
To restore default settings tap Start > Settings > System tab > Default Settings.
Input ‘1234’ in password field and tap Ok confirm that you want to restore the default settings.
You can also performe the hard reset by pressing the UP button of the navigation key and the reset button at the same time.
Press and hold power button. At the same time use the stylus to press the recessed Reset button.
When the screen has faded off release both buttons and when the power indicator light up green press the power button to restart the unit.
E-115/125 & EM-500
The procedure is less authomatized than the others. Remove the CompactFlash card and power on the unit.
Holding down the power button, use the stylus to press the reset button for about 2 seconds. You will see shown on the screen: "Proceeding with this operation initializes memory. Press (Action) to proceed or (Start) to cancel". Press the (Action) option to perform the Reset.
CLIE Sony /-
Connect the CLIE handheld using the AC adapter and take out the stylus pin by twisting the upper part of the stylus.
Push down and hold the power button of the unit and use the stylus to slowly press and release the reset button on the back.
When the Palm screen will appear release the power button. At the "Erase all data?" prompt, push the upper part of the scroll button on the front of the device to confirm OK. The Sony pda is now resetted and you have only to follow the SetUp steps as prompted.
Aero 15xx Series
Remove both the main and backup battery, wait at least 1 minute, then replace the batteries. (Backup Battery on the left side)
iPaq 3600, 3700 Series 36xx bottom
Press the recessed soft reset button in the hole on the bottom right for more than 3 seconds to perform a hard reset.
You can also perform a hard reset opening the door on the bottom left of the device and moving the switch behind the door to obtain the same result
iPAQ H3800/H3900/5450/5500
To perform a hard reset first remove the expansion packs if any, thence turn the device on (not connected to AC power) and press and hold two outside buttons ( 1 Calendar and 4 iPAQ Task ), also insert stylus into the reset button at bottom of iPAQ and pressing and holding this for 5 secs. Release the above buttons in any sequence. To reactivate iPAQ, insert stylus into soft reset button or simply connect to ipaq AC adapter.
Axim x5/ X3i
Another procedure a little more involved than the others.Press and hold the Power Button thence, using the stylus press and hold the reset button on the left side of the unit until the message "To clear all data press the Contacts button" is shown. Press the required button located to the left of the directional pad. When you see the message "Tap the screen to set up your Pocket PC" execute the requested action and follow the instructions on screen to set up your PDA again
Axim X30 / X50
To perform an hard reset press and hold the Power button and at the same time the Reset button by the stylus for about 2 seconds. Follow the nstructions shown.
Axim X51
To perform an hard reset press and hold the Power button and at the same time the Reset button by the stylus Release the 2 buttons and you will see on the screen the instructions To clear all data in the memory Press Contacts button to complete the hard reset. Otherwise press Mail button to cancel the operation.
Press and hold the power button and at the same time press, using the stylus, the Reset button on the device's side.
M600 - G500
Press and hold the power button and at the same time press,using the stylus, the Reset button on the device's side.
Release both buttons at the same time and reply YES to the questions to cancel registry and to reinstall default settings.
Hold the “Power Button” and press the “Reset Button” with the stylus, and release both buttons simultaneously.
Next, hold the End Button until the system inquiry screen is displayed, then release the End Button and answer the question(s).
Hold the Power button and press the Reset button using the stylus. Release both buttons at the same time and next press the 'End Button' until the inquiry screen appears. Reply to the question.
Loox 400 series
Simultaneously press reset button at the bottom using stylus cap and the Suspend/Resume button on top front of the unit. After about 10 seconds a pictures will appear on th screen and a tone sounds
Loox 720 - 710
Use the point into the unscrewed stylus cap to press the soft reset button at the bottom and at the same time press the button suspend/resume in front right corner. After about 10 seconds, when you will see a new screen
image and you will hear an advice sound, follows the relative instruction.
Loox n500/520
Take the stylus and screw it apart.Press the tip into the soft reset opening and at the same time the suspend/resume and calendar buttons
Hold the suspend/resume and the calendar button pressed for a few seconds. The reset can take a few minutes.
A signal is sounded after the reset is complete. Follow the instructions
Slide off the battery cover and quickly remove an then refit main battery. Wait few seconds and athe same time press the End button and the Reset button using the stylus tip. The screen will show some options.
Select SKIP to perform a normal cold start, or Factory Defaults if you confirm to performe an Hard Reset.
When a signal will sound follow the instructions on the screen
iQue 3000
press the reset button on the unit's back. Immediatly after press and hold the Power button until you see thePalm Logo. Then release the Power button. You will see on the screen a message advising you are about to eraseall unit's data. Now you can press the upper half of the scroll button in front of the device to confirm the hard reset or any other button to execute a simple reset instead.
g-Smart (i.Bond)
Press the power button on the top and on the keypad press 7 and 9 (three buttons together) It will display "formating" (Hardreset)
Hold down the power button on the front panel of your handheld. Holding down the power button, press the reset button by paper clip. As soon as you see the logo on the screen, release the power button.
Press the up scroll button on the front panel to perform a hard reset or press any other button to perform a soft reset. You can restore backed up data by performing a HotSync operation.
HP /-
Jornada 520, 525, 540, 545, 547, and 548
Press and hold the soft reset button and press the power button.
Jornada 564, 565, 567, and 568
Perform a soft reset using the button on the back of the device, thence remove the main and backup battery for some minutes. (The backup battery is locked on the left side of the device)
iPaq 19xx Series
These devices can be hard reset by pressing and holding the soft recessed button on the left-hand side of the device while you are pressing and holding the power button at the top the unit. Keep buttons pressed for several
seconds until the screen fades.
iPaq 22xx Series
Press and hold Buttons 1 (Calendar) and 4 (iTask) on the front of the device and, at the same time, press the Reset button on the back of the Pocket PC using the device's stylus.
Hold thel buttons until the screen begins to fade (about 3/4 secs). Release the buttons and stylus. If the device has been fully reset, it does not power on and you must reactivate its battery connecting the same to the AC power
or pressng the usual soft reset button with the stylus.
Note: The iPAQ 19xx & 22xx series have a feature called "iPAQ
File Store" allowing to store some data and programs in the Flash ROM. If you used this option, the hard reset will not cancel the data stored therein. Moreover if this area become garbled you risk to have to reflash the Rom.
Do not store date exceeding its storage's space.
iPaq 41xx Series
Press and hold the Power button and at the same time press Reset button in the device's back using the stylus.
Release first the power button , thence the Reset button and you will see the device to reset and to power on again with original setting.
iPaq rz17xx, rx31xx, rx34xx, rx37xx series
Press and hold the extreme left button (Mobile Media) and the extreme right button (iTasks) at the same time and use the stylus to press the reset button at the bottom of the unit. When the screen fades release the two buttons and button under the stylus. If the unit does not power on authomatically perform a simple soft reset.
iPaq hx4700
Press and hold calendar and iTask buttons in the front area, while, holding down the buttons, press using the stylus the reset button on the bottom for about 2 seconds.
iPaq hx2750
press and hold button 1 and 4 on the front of the device and at the same time use the stylus to press reset button on the bottom of the ipaq.
iPaq h6300
Press and hold the Power button for about 3 seconds while at the same time you press by the stylus the reset button on the left side of the unit. When the screen blanks release both the buttons and wait that the device powers on.
iPaq rx1950
To perform a clean reset and return you HP iPAQ to factory settings press and hold the calendar and the iPaq Wireless buttons. While holding down the buttons lighttly press the Reset button by the stylus for about 2 seconds.
When the HP iPAQ screen begins to fade, release the two first buttons and then remove the stylus.
Plug the device into AC adapter o press Reset button again to restart unit.
hx2000 series (not h2210) Press and hold down Calendar and iTask buttons. While holding down these buttons, use the stylus to press the Reset button on the bottom of the iPAQ for about two seconds. When the Pocket PC screen begins to fade, release the mentioned two buttons first, and then remove also the stylus from the Reset.
hw6500 series
To perform an hard reset hold down the Power button and use the stylus to press the recessed Reset button on the bottom for about five seconds. The screen fades and the device resets. Once the device resets and the screen
comes back on, release the Power button and remove the stylus from the Reset.
hw69xx series
To perform an Hard(clean) Reset press and hold the Answer/Send, Power, and End Call buttons. While holding these buttons, by the stylus press the Reset button on the bottom of the iPAQ until the device restarts.
When the HP iPAQ restarts, release all of the buttons, Reset button included.
rw 68xx series
To perform an Hard(clean) reset and return your HP iPAQ to factory settings:
1. Press and hold the Answer/Send, Power, and End Call buttons.
2. While holding these buttons, use the stylus to lightly press the Reset button on the bottom of the HP iPAQ until the device restarts.
3. When the HP iPAQ restarts, release all of the buttons, and then remove the stylus from the Reset button.
rx 57xx/59xx
To perform an Hard Reset(called factory reset) press and hold the Quick Launch and Rotate Screen buttons.
While holding these buttons, use the stylus to press the Reset button until the device restarts.
When the HP iPAQ restarts, release all of the buttons, and remove the stylus from the Reset button
HTC /-
qTek 2020-9090-S100 e Xda-Mda-O2-iMate etc
Press and hold the power button and use the stylus to press the soft reset button at the bottom of the unit at the same time
HTC Wizard(qTek 9100 e i-Mate K-Jam, O2.. etc)
Press and hold the Comm.Manager button along with Voice Command button.
While pressing the two button on the device, use the stylus to press and hold the reset button on the side.
HTC Prophet (Qtek S200,Imate JASmin etc)
Press and hold the CAMERA and COMM MANAGER buttons, and use the stylus to press the RESET button.
Holds the CAMERA and COMM MANAGER buttons until the following message is displayed: “Press Send to restore factory default or press other key to quit".
HTC TyTN(Hermes,Qtek9600,JasJam etc)
Always switch off the device before to execute a full reset. The full reset is the Hard Reset of the device an to execute it push and hold at same time both the SoftKey left and right on the front of the unit while you use the
stylus to press the soft reset button at the bottom of the device.
HTC Universal(qTek 9000 e i-Mate JasJar, Mda Pro..) etc
Press with the fingers the two keys at the same time and keep them pressed. In addition by the stylus press the pin into the RESET opening on the back of the device. Thence pressing 0 button confirm the Hard resetor, using 'x', choice to not perform the Hard Reset.
(be careful to execute an hard reset under WM 5.0 read device's manual before)
HTC P3300 - P3600
Press and hold left and right buttoni - SOFTKEY and using the stylus press the RESET command of the device.
Release the stylus, but hold the above buttons and release them when the screen shows the following message:
“Press SEND to restore manufacturer default, or press ..................”
Now you can press the required button (green call icon)
HTC P3400 Gene
To perform a hard reset (Full Reset) press and hold the left SOFT KEY and the right SOFT KEY, and at the same time, use the stylus to press the RESET button at the middle left side of your device.Release the stylus, but continue pressing the two SOFT KEYs until you see the following message on the screen:This operation will delete all your personal data, and reset all settings to manufacturer default. Press Send to restore manufacturer default, or press other keys to cancel.Release now the two SOFT KEYs, and then press the TALK (Send) button
HTC P4350
Press and hold the left and right SOFT KEY, and at the same time, press the RESET button by the stylus.Release the stylus, but continue pressing the two SOFT KEYs until you see the following message:''This operation will delete all your personal data, and reset all settings to manufacturer default......''Release the two SOFT KEYs, and then press the SEND button
HTC X7500/7501-(ATHENA/ADVANTAGE/Dopod U1000/T.Mobile AMEO)
Slide the Volume slider down and at the same time, use the stylus to press the RESET button at the back of your device. After a brief period of time, two choices will appear on-screen. Press the CENTER OK button to perform the hard reset. (Otherwise, if any, press the CAMERA button to exit.)
HTC S620 Excalibur (T.Mobile Dash, Dopod C720W)
click Start > Expert > Cancel memory to performe an Hard Reset and follow the instructions shown on the screen.The smartphone will restart immediately after the reset.
HTC Startrek Qtek 8500 (iMate SmartFlip/Qtek 8500/Star100/Dopod S300/Cingular 3125)
To reset the smartphone click Start > Accessories > Clear Storage. Follow the on-screen instructions to hard reset. The phone will restart after the reset.
Mio P350/P550
You can go back to the factory default executing an hard reset from Start-> Settings-> SysInfo-> Clean Boot
The display will show two methods:
Method 1: It will clean all data. Include Mio Map.
Method 2: It will clean all data, except Mio Map.
Mio a701
Make sure that A701 is turned off then press and hold at the same time the Down Volume button and the End button.
When the unit start to vibrate you can release both buttons. The unit will turn on automatically and it will show the Setup Wizard. Follow the instructions to complete the operation
Mio a201
Remove the battery cover by pressing and then sliding the cover off.Use the stylus to slide the ON/OFF switch to the ON (left) position . (ON to OFF , then OFF to ON) Install the battery and immediately press the Record Button.
The screen will show "cold boot" and "loading......" At this time, you must replace the battery cover.
Mio 168
Close all the running programs. On the rear of the unit slide the battery switch to OFF.
After about 1 minute return the switch on the ON position. The unit will restart with the original settings.
NEC /-
MobilePro P300
Hold the Power and Record buttons down and insert your stylus into the reset hole.
To perform a soft reset on a Palm (Handspring also) device find the reset button located in a hole on the back of the device. Using the tool in your stylus, or some other object such as a paperclip press reset button inside the hole.
There is also another form of Reset: Warm Reset A warm reset bypasses any system extensions (such as HackMaster hacks, operating system patches, and so on) that are loaded on the device. A warm reset often bypass the "boot loop" error, allowing you to remove applications, previously installed, causing problems. All stored data in the device remain unchanged with a warm reset.
To perform a warm reset hold down the top scroll button and press the reset button inside the hole on the back of your unit. When in the Palm display you see the general preferences screen, release the top scroll button.
After a warm reset, you may need to perform a soft reset to get the device working as normal.
Performing a hard reset you start everything over from scratch. Be sure to back up your files first.
Perform a hard reset only if a soft or warm reset does not solve your problem.
To perform a hard reset hold down the power button (Wireless Mode button on the Treo 600) and press the reset button on the back panel. When the Palm screen appears, release the power button.
You will get a message informing that you are about to erase all your data. To continue, press the top scroll button.
To cancel, press any other button. In this case you will get a soft reset only.
After a hard reset calibrate the digitizer and verify time & date.
xda Atom
Press and hold the power button, and then use the stylus to press the soft reset button at the same time.
TREO palmOne /-
Remove battery cover and find the Reset hole beside the battery (without removing the battery). Press and Hold down the Power/End button and using the stylus press and release the RESET button in the hole.
Release the Power/End button when the Palm Powered logo appears and when you will be asked if you wish to remove all data press the Up button to confirm the Hard Reset.
Toshiba E310
Slide the white switch on the bottom left to the left for a few seconds. The manual says depress the power button at the top with the stylus in the hole in the back and release the power button.
Toshiba E740Slide the white switch at the bottom of the device to the right for few seconds, thence slide it back.
Toshiba e800/805
Use the stylus to move to the right the switch under the rubber cover that
you find above the wifi switch on the bottom of device. After few seconds reinstate switch to original position.
Portege C500 (RG4-E01)
Click Start > Settings > More > Perform Hard Reset then follow the on-screen instructions to reset the phone that will restart after it has been reset.
Portege C900 (RG4-E02) Satellite
After you tried restarting your Toshiba phone, if it still deadlock or freeze, press the Reset button.Even it still deadlock or freeze, remove the battery then re-insert the battery and turn your Toshiba phone on and reinstate all settings.
To perform a hard reset press and hold the Comm Manager button and Voice Command button on the device.Keep the two buttons pressed, and at the same time, use the stylus to lightly press and hold the RESET button.
Jumat, 19 Desember 2008
Desktop ActiveSync
The desktop ActiveSync program allows a mobile device to be synchronized with either a desktop PC, or a server running Microsoft Exchange Server, PostPath Email and Collaboration Server, Kerio MailServer, Scalix, Zimbra or Z-push. Only Personal information manager (PIM) data (Email/Calendar/Contacts) may be synchronized with the Exchange Server. (Tasks may also be synchronised with Exchange Server on Windows Mobile 5.0 devices.) The PC synchronization option, however, allows PIM synchronization with Microsoft Outlook, along with Internet "favorites", files, and tasks, amongst other data types. Unfortunately ActiveSync doesn't support all features of Outlook. For instance contacts grouped into subfolders aren't transferred. Only the contacts which are not in a subfolder are synchronized.
ActiveSync also provides for the manual transfer of files to a mobile device, along with limited backup/restore functionality, and the ability to install and uninstall mobile device applications.
Supported mobile devices include PDAs or Smartphones running Windows Mobile, or the Windows CE operating system, along with devices that don't use a Microsoft operating system,[2] such as the Palm OS and Symbian platforms, as well as Apple Inc.'s iPhone.
Starting with Windows Vista, ActiveSync has been replaced with the Windows Mobile Device Center, which is included as part of the operating system.[3] So nowadays ActiveSync is for operating systems which predate Windows Vista and Windows Mobile Device Center is for Vista and up, and doesn't provide any new functionality.
[edit] Exchange Server ActiveSync
In addition to the ActiveSync desktop sync software bundled with Windows, Microsoft also uses the ActiveSync name to refer to the push messaging component of Exchange Server, which relays messages to mobile devices.
[edit] Release history
Version Operating systems Release date Major changes
1.0 Windows 95 1996-09-10
* Initial version (under name H/PC Explorer)
1.1.7077 Windows 95, NT 4 1997-03-19
* Renamed to Windows CE Services
* NT4 support
* Stability and compatibility fixes
* Revised EULA
2.0 Fall 1997
* Support for Windows CE 2
* Windows CE 1 support dropped
2.1 1998-02
* Support for Windows CE 2.1x
2.2 Windows 95, NT 4, 98 1998-09
* NT4 installation easier
* 33% faster than 2.1 1999-08-16
* Renamed to ActiveSync
* Faster, simplified, and vastly improved.
* Removed the association between RAS/DUN and the Windows CE connection stack
3.1.9386 1999-11-24
* USB synchronisation and the inclusion of the AvantGo host client
* Auto-adjusting baud rate
3.1.9439 Windows 95, NT 4, 98, 2000 ?
* Sync fixes
3.1.9587 2001-07-31
* Added synchronisation support for Microsoft Exchange Server 2000
* Fixes for Outlook 98 / 2000 Security updates
* Fixed a problem with the USB sync option
3.5.1176 Windows 95, NT 4, 98, 2000, XP 2001-08-06
* Integrated support for new Windows XP and Office XP releases and Pocket PC 2002
* Improved USB functionality, security and sync performance
* New connection sounds
3.5.12007 2002-03-01
* Revised high color program icon
3.6.2148 Windows 95, NT 4, 98, 2000, XP, 2003, Home Server 2002-11
* Support for the new range of Smartphone devices
* Customary security updates and synchronisation performance improvements
* New Get Connected Wizard
* Improves on remote synchronisation by preventing error messages and dialogues from halting sync process
3.7.3083 2003-05-06
* Minor updates to internal icon set
* Corrects a discovered security flaw in ActiveSync
* Improvements to the synchronisation wizard, other UI changes and general enhancements
* Improvements to support forthcoming Microsoft Office 2003 release and Windows Mobile 2003 2003-10-10
* Improvements to USB drivers and issues related to synchronisation
* Get Connected Wizard's interface modified slightly. 2004-03-26
* Fixed reported bugs with Windows Explorer and XP Firewall integration.
3.8 2005-01-06
* Secure functionality and provide updates for Windows XP SP2 systems
* Performance improvements in synchronisation
* Circumvents XP Firewall prompts that users experienced with other program versions upon first run.
* Disables the Ethernet (LAN, Bluetooth) and RAS (Modem and WAN) connection method by default
4.0.4343 Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Home Server 2005
* Users able to specify installation directory
* Removal of on-personal area connectivity options from the synchronisation mix.
* Services for connections with Microsoft SQL server are included, along with a synchronisation update for Windows Media Player 10
* GUI refresh
4.0.4358 2005
* Retail version included only on Windows Mobile 5 device CDs 2005-11-18
* Critical update 2006-06-06
* Microsoft Outlook improvements: Resolves issues relating to error code 85010014
* Proxy/DTPT interaction improvements: Improved auto configuration of device Connection Manager settings when desktop has no proxy path to the Internet
* Improved Desktop Pass Thru behavior with ISA proxy failures
* Partnership improvements: Better resolution of multiple devices with the same name syncing with the same desktop
* Connectivity improvements: Better handling of VPN clients (resolve unbinding of protocols from our RNDIS adapter). New auto detection of connectivity failure with user diagnostic alerts
* New troubleshooting utility
4.5.5096 2007-02-13
* Faster file transfer speed and photo sync via Outlook are only available for Windows Mobile 5.0 powered devices.
* Customers using Microsoft Exchange 2003 Service Pack 2 with devices running the Messaging and Security Feature Pack for Windows Mobile 5.0 will benefit from the following feature enhancements included in ActiveSync 4.5: Direct Push Technology, local device wipe, and certificate powered authentication to Microsoft Exchange.
* Microsoft Office Outlook 2000 not supported
* Conversion of database files for use on a mobile device is not supported
* Conversion of font files for use on a mobile device is not supported by ActiveSync 4.5
[edit] Compatibility
[edit] Office Compatibility
Office Version Use ActiveSync version
Schedule+ 7 1.1/3.0
Outlook 97 3.1
Outlook 2000 3.8/4.2
Outlook 2002/2003/2007 3.8/4.5
[edit] OS compatibility
OS Use ActiveSync version
Windows 9x, NT 4 3.8 [4]
Windows 2000, Windows XP (SP2 and earlier only), Windows Server 2003 3.8/4.5
Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 WMDC 6.1
[edit] Device compatibility
Device's OS Use ActiveSync version
Windows CE 1 1.1 (Handheld PC Explorer)
Windows CE 2-5/Windows Mobile 2000-2003 3.8
Windows CE 3-6/Windows Mobile 2002-5.0 4.2
Windows CE 3-6/Windows Mobile 2002-6.1 4.5
iPhone OS 4.5
The desktop ActiveSync program allows a mobile device to be synchronized with either a desktop PC, or a server running Microsoft Exchange Server, PostPath Email and Collaboration Server, Kerio MailServer, Scalix, Zimbra or Z-push. Only Personal information manager (PIM) data (Email/Calendar/Contacts) may be synchronized with the Exchange Server. (Tasks may also be synchronised with Exchange Server on Windows Mobile 5.0 devices.) The PC synchronization option, however, allows PIM synchronization with Microsoft Outlook, along with Internet "favorites", files, and tasks, amongst other data types. Unfortunately ActiveSync doesn't support all features of Outlook. For instance contacts grouped into subfolders aren't transferred. Only the contacts which are not in a subfolder are synchronized.
ActiveSync also provides for the manual transfer of files to a mobile device, along with limited backup/restore functionality, and the ability to install and uninstall mobile device applications.
Supported mobile devices include PDAs or Smartphones running Windows Mobile, or the Windows CE operating system, along with devices that don't use a Microsoft operating system,[2] such as the Palm OS and Symbian platforms, as well as Apple Inc.'s iPhone.
Starting with Windows Vista, ActiveSync has been replaced with the Windows Mobile Device Center, which is included as part of the operating system.[3] So nowadays ActiveSync is for operating systems which predate Windows Vista and Windows Mobile Device Center is for Vista and up, and doesn't provide any new functionality.
[edit] Exchange Server ActiveSync
In addition to the ActiveSync desktop sync software bundled with Windows, Microsoft also uses the ActiveSync name to refer to the push messaging component of Exchange Server, which relays messages to mobile devices.
[edit] Release history
Version Operating systems Release date Major changes
1.0 Windows 95 1996-09-10
* Initial version (under name H/PC Explorer)
1.1.7077 Windows 95, NT 4 1997-03-19
* Renamed to Windows CE Services
* NT4 support
* Stability and compatibility fixes
* Revised EULA
2.0 Fall 1997
* Support for Windows CE 2
* Windows CE 1 support dropped
2.1 1998-02
* Support for Windows CE 2.1x
2.2 Windows 95, NT 4, 98 1998-09
* NT4 installation easier
* 33% faster than 2.1 1999-08-16
* Renamed to ActiveSync
* Faster, simplified, and vastly improved.
* Removed the association between RAS/DUN and the Windows CE connection stack
3.1.9386 1999-11-24
* USB synchronisation and the inclusion of the AvantGo host client
* Auto-adjusting baud rate
3.1.9439 Windows 95, NT 4, 98, 2000 ?
* Sync fixes
3.1.9587 2001-07-31
* Added synchronisation support for Microsoft Exchange Server 2000
* Fixes for Outlook 98 / 2000 Security updates
* Fixed a problem with the USB sync option
3.5.1176 Windows 95, NT 4, 98, 2000, XP 2001-08-06
* Integrated support for new Windows XP and Office XP releases and Pocket PC 2002
* Improved USB functionality, security and sync performance
* New connection sounds
3.5.12007 2002-03-01
* Revised high color program icon
3.6.2148 Windows 95, NT 4, 98, 2000, XP, 2003, Home Server 2002-11
* Support for the new range of Smartphone devices
* Customary security updates and synchronisation performance improvements
* New Get Connected Wizard
* Improves on remote synchronisation by preventing error messages and dialogues from halting sync process
3.7.3083 2003-05-06
* Minor updates to internal icon set
* Corrects a discovered security flaw in ActiveSync
* Improvements to the synchronisation wizard, other UI changes and general enhancements
* Improvements to support forthcoming Microsoft Office 2003 release and Windows Mobile 2003 2003-10-10
* Improvements to USB drivers and issues related to synchronisation
* Get Connected Wizard's interface modified slightly. 2004-03-26
* Fixed reported bugs with Windows Explorer and XP Firewall integration.
3.8 2005-01-06
* Secure functionality and provide updates for Windows XP SP2 systems
* Performance improvements in synchronisation
* Circumvents XP Firewall prompts that users experienced with other program versions upon first run.
* Disables the Ethernet (LAN, Bluetooth) and RAS (Modem and WAN) connection method by default
4.0.4343 Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Home Server 2005
* Users able to specify installation directory
* Removal of on-personal area connectivity options from the synchronisation mix.
* Services for connections with Microsoft SQL server are included, along with a synchronisation update for Windows Media Player 10
* GUI refresh
4.0.4358 2005
* Retail version included only on Windows Mobile 5 device CDs 2005-11-18
* Critical update 2006-06-06
* Microsoft Outlook improvements: Resolves issues relating to error code 85010014
* Proxy/DTPT interaction improvements: Improved auto configuration of device Connection Manager settings when desktop has no proxy path to the Internet
* Improved Desktop Pass Thru behavior with ISA proxy failures
* Partnership improvements: Better resolution of multiple devices with the same name syncing with the same desktop
* Connectivity improvements: Better handling of VPN clients (resolve unbinding of protocols from our RNDIS adapter). New auto detection of connectivity failure with user diagnostic alerts
* New troubleshooting utility
4.5.5096 2007-02-13
* Faster file transfer speed and photo sync via Outlook are only available for Windows Mobile 5.0 powered devices.
* Customers using Microsoft Exchange 2003 Service Pack 2 with devices running the Messaging and Security Feature Pack for Windows Mobile 5.0 will benefit from the following feature enhancements included in ActiveSync 4.5: Direct Push Technology, local device wipe, and certificate powered authentication to Microsoft Exchange.
* Microsoft Office Outlook 2000 not supported
* Conversion of database files for use on a mobile device is not supported
* Conversion of font files for use on a mobile device is not supported by ActiveSync 4.5
[edit] Compatibility
[edit] Office Compatibility
Office Version Use ActiveSync version
Schedule+ 7 1.1/3.0
Outlook 97 3.1
Outlook 2000 3.8/4.2
Outlook 2002/2003/2007 3.8/4.5
[edit] OS compatibility
OS Use ActiveSync version
Windows 9x, NT 4 3.8 [4]
Windows 2000, Windows XP (SP2 and earlier only), Windows Server 2003 3.8/4.5
Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 WMDC 6.1
[edit] Device compatibility
Device's OS Use ActiveSync version
Windows CE 1 1.1 (Handheld PC Explorer)
Windows CE 2-5/Windows Mobile 2000-2003 3.8
Windows CE 3-6/Windows Mobile 2002-5.0 4.2
Windows CE 3-6/Windows Mobile 2002-6.1 4.5
iPhone OS 4.5
Hardware platforms
Windows Mobile runs on multiple hardware platforms including Pocket PCs, smartphones, Portable Media Center, and automobiles. These hardware platforms did not always exist from the inception of Windows Mobile.
An O2 Pocket PC phone
A Smartphone (T-Mobile Dash)
A Portable Media Center
[edit] Pocket PC
Main article: Pocket PC
The Pocket PC was the original intended platform for the Windows Mobile operating system. These devices consisted of both standalone Pocket PC devices without mobile phone capabilities, and those that included mobile phone capabilities. The most current name of Windows Mobile intended for use on Pocket PCs is officially "Windows Mobile 6 Professional" for devices with mobile phone capabilities and "Windows Mobile 6 Classic" for devices without mobile phone capabilities.
[edit] Smartphone
Main article: Smartphone
The Smartphone became the next hardware platform after the Pocket PC to run Windows Mobile, and debuted with the release of Pocket PC 2002. Although in the broad sense of the term "Smartphone", both Pocket PC phones and Microsoft branded Smartphones each fit into this category, it should be noted that Microsoft's use of the term "Smartphone" includes only more specific hardware devices that differ from Pocket PC phones. Such Smartphones were originally designed without touchscreens, intended to be operated more efficiently with only one hand, and typically had lower resolution displays than Pocket PCs. Microsoft's focus for the Smartphone platform was to create a device that functioned well as a phone and data device in a more integrated manner.[4] The current name of Windows Mobile intended for use on Smartphones is officially "Windows Mobile 6 Standard".
[edit] Portable Media Center
Main article: Portable Media Center
The Portable Media Center was a device that focused on integration with Microsoft's Windows Media Center and Windows Media Player to allow users to carry their media libraries with them on the go. The Portable Media Center was officially introduced in 2004, and ran a modified version of Windows Mobile. These devices became the predecessor to Microsoft's Zune, and after 2006 Microsoft discontinued the project in favor of the latter.
[edit] Automobiles
"Windows Mobile for Automotive" is the name for Microsoft's operating system that facilitates multiple functions in automobiles including communication, entertainment, information systems.[5] Windows Mobile for use in automobiles is the latest platform for the operating system, and was introduced by Microsoft in February of 2006 at the Geneva International Motor Show.[6] Windows Mobile for Automotive comes in two different versions. The Basic version includes a Bluetooth connectivity and USB interface for music playback. The Standard version includes this also, but additionally it features a built-in GPS, GSM phone, and security features. These systems are more widely known as SYNC. The Windows Mobile for Automotive hardware specification includes a 300 MHz ARM processor, 32 MB of RAM, and a microphone.[5]
[edit] Versions
[edit] Pocket PC 2000
Typical Pocket PC 2000 Today Screen.
Pocket PC 2000, originally codenamed "Rapier",[7] was released in April of 2000, and was based on Windows CE 3.0. It was the debut of what was later dubbed the Windows Mobile operating system, and meant to be a successor to the operating system aboard Palm-Size PCs. Backwards compatibility was retained with such Palm-Size PC applications. Pocket PC 2000 was intended mainly for Pocket PC devices, however several Palm-Size PC devices had the ability to be updated as well. In addition, several Pocket PC 2000 phones were released, however the Smartphone hardware platform was not yet created. The only resolution supported by this release was 240 x 320 (QVGA). Removable storage card formats that were supported were CompactFlash and MultiMediaCard. At this time Pocket PC devices had not been standardized with a specific CPU architecture. As a result, Pocket PC 2000 was released on multiple CPU architectures; SH-3, MIPS, and ARM.
Aesthetically, the original Pocket PC operating system was similar to Windows 98, Windows Me, and Windows 2000 operating systems.
Features/built-in applications for Pocket PC 2000 included the following:[8]
* Pocket Office
o Pocket Word
o Pocket Excel
o Pocket Outlook
* Pocket Internet Explorer
* Windows Media Player
* Microsoft Reader
* Microsoft Money
* Notes, a note taking application
* Character recognition support
* Infrared (IR) File beaming capability
[edit] Pocket PC 2002
Typical Pocket PC 2002 Today Screen.
Pocket PC 2002, originally codenamed "Merlin",[7] was released in October 2001. Like Pocket PC 2000, it was powered by Windows CE 3.0. Although targeted mainly for 240 × 320 (QVGA) Pocket PC devices, Pocket PC 2002 was also used for Pocket PC phones, and for the first time, Smartphones.[9] These Pocket PC 2002 Smartphones were mainly GSM devices. With future releases, the Pocket PC and Smartphone lines would increasingly collide as the licensing terms were relaxed allowing OEMs to take advantage of more innovative, individual design ideas. Aesthetically, Pocket PC 2002 was meant to be similar in design to the then newly released Windows XP.
New features/built-in applications included the following:[10][11][12][13]
* Enhanced UI with theme support
* Spell checker and Word count tool in Pocket Word
* Savable downloads and WAP in Pocket Internet Explorer
* Virtual Private Networking support
* Synchronization of folders
* MSN Messenger
* Terminal Services
* Windows Media Player 8 with streaming capability
* Microsoft Reader 2
* Palm OS support for file beaming
* Improved Pocket Outlook
* Digital rights management (DRM) support in Microsoft Reader
[edit] Windows Mobile 2003
Typical Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC Today Screen
Windows Mobile 2003, originally codenamed "Ozone",[7] was released on June 23, 2003, and was the first release under the Windows Mobile banner. It came in four editions: "Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC Premium Edition", "Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC Professional Edition", "Windows Mobile 2003 for Smartphone" and "Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC Phone Edition". The last was designed especially for Pocket PCs which include phone functionalities. The Professional Edition was used in Pocket PC budget models such as the iPAQ rz1700 series. It lacked a number of features that were in the Premium Edition, such as a client for L2TP/IPsec VPNs. Windows Mobile 2003 was powered by Windows CE 4.20.
New features/built-in applications included the following:[14]
* Support for add-on keyboards
* Enhanced communications interface with Bluetooth device management
* Bluetooth file beaming support
* Bluetooth headset support
* Pictures application with viewing, cropping, e-mail, and beaming support
* Jawbreaker game
* Enhanced Pocket Outlook with vCard and vCal support
* Improved Pocket Internet Explorer
* Windows Media Player 9.0 with streaming optimization
* SMS reply options for Phone Edition
* MIDI file support as ringtones in Phone Edition
[edit] Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition, also known as "Windows Mobile 2003 SE", was released on March 24, 2004 and first offered on the Dell Axim x30.
New features/built-in applications included the following:
* Portrait and Landscape switching for Pocket PCs
* Single-Column layout in Pocket Internet Explorer
* VGA (640×480), 240x240, and 480x480 Screen resolution
* Wi-Fi Protected Access support
[edit] Windows Mobile 5
Typical Windows Mobile 5.0 for Pocket PC Today Screen
Windows Mobile 5.0, originally codenamed "Magneto",[7] was released at Microsoft's Mobile and Embedded Developers Conference 2005 in Las Vegas, May 9–May 12, 2005, and first offered on the Dell Axim x51. It was powered by Windows CE 5.0 and used the .NET Compact Framework 1.0 SP3 — an environment for programs based on .NET. Windows Mobile 5.0 included Microsoft Exchange Server "push" functionality improvements that worked with Exchange 2003 SP2.[15] The "push" functionality also required vendor/device support[16] With AKU2 software upgrades all WM 5.0 devices supported DirectPush. WM 5.0 featured increased battery life due to Persistent storage capability. Previously up to 50% (enough for 72 hours of storage) of battery power was reserved just to maintain data in volatile RAM. This continued the trend of Windows-based devices moving from using RAM as their primary storage medium to the use of flash memory. With Windows Mobile 5.0, OS updates were released as Adaptation kit upgrades. AKU3.5 is the most current release.
New features/built-in applications included the following:
* A new version of Office called "Office Mobile"
o PowerPoint Mobile
o Graphing capability in Excel Mobile
o Tables and graphics insertion in Word Mobile
* Windows Media Player 10 Mobile
* Photo Caller ID
* DirectShow support
* Picture and Video package, which converged the management of videos and pictures
* Enhanced Bluetooth support
* Global Positioning System (GPS) management interface
* Microsoft Exchange Server "push" functionality improvements
* Default QWERTY keyboard-support
* Error reporting facility similar to that present in desktop and server Windows systems
* ActiveSync 4.2 with 15% increased synchronization speed
* Persistent storage (PS) support in Pocket PCs
* Increased battery life
[edit] Windows Mobile 6
Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional Today Screen
Windows Mobile 6.1 Smartphone Today Screen
Windows Mobile 6, formerly codenamed "Crossbow",[7] was released on February 12, 2007[17] at the 3GSM World Congress 2007. It comes in three different versions: "Windows Mobile 6 Standard" for Smartphones (phones without touchscreens), "Windows Mobile 6 Professional" for Pocket PCs with phone functionality, and "Windows Mobile 6 Classic" for Pocket PCs without cellular radios.[18]
Windows Mobile 6 is powered by Windows CE 5.0 (version 5.2) and is strongly linked to Windows Live and Exchange 2007 products. Windows Mobile 6 Standard was first offered on the Orange's SPV E650,[19] while Windows Mobile 6 Professional was first offered on the O2's Xda Terra.[20] Aesthetically, Windows Mobile 6 was meant to be similar in design to the then newly released Windows Vista.
New features/built-in applications include the following:[21]
* 320x320 and 800x480 (WVGA) screen resolution support
* Office Mobile support for Smartphones
* Operating System Live Update[22]
* Improved Remote Desktop access[23](Available for only certain Pocket PCs)[24]
* VoIP (Internet calling) support with AEC (Acoustic Echo Cancelling) and MSRT Audio Codec
* Windows Live for Windows Mobile[25]
* Customer Feedback option[26]
* Enhanced Microsoft Bluetooth Stack
* Storage Card Encryption (encryption keys are lost if device is cold-booted).
* Smartfilter for searching within programs
* Improved Internet Sharing
* HTML email support in Outlook Mobile
* Search ability for contacts in an Exchange Server Address Book
* AJAX, JavaScript, and XMLDOM support on Internet Explorer Mobile
* Out of Office Replies with Microsoft Exchange 2007
* Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA) support for select operators
* Server Search on Microsoft Exchange 2007
* .NET Compact Framework v2 SP2 Preinstalled in ROM
* Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition Preinstalled in ROM
* OneNote Mobile as a companion to Microsoft Office OneNote
* Office Mobile 6.1 announced[27] with support for Office 2007 document formats (pptx, docx, xlsx).
[edit] Windows Mobile 6.1
Windows Mobile 6.1 was announced April 1, 2008. It is a minor upgrade to the existing Windows Mobile 6 platform which brings with it a redesigned Home screen featuring horizontal tiles that expand on clicking to display more information, although this new home screen is featured only on Windows Mobile Standard edition. This feature was inexplicably left out of the Professional edition.[28] Several other improvements such as threaded SMS, full page zooming in IE and 'Domain Enroll' have also been added. Domain Enroll is functionality to connect the device to System Center Mobile Device Manager 2008, a product to manage mobile devices.[29] There are other differences as well. The most prominent difference for the user is that the Standard version (like earlier versions) still creates automatic links for telephone numbers in Tasks and Appointments, which allows for the easy (and safe while driving) click and dial of stored telephone numbers within these Outlook items. For some reason, the Professional version has eliminated this important feature.
[edit] Future versions
This article or section contains information about scheduled or expected future software.
The content may change as the software release approaches and more information becomes available.
[edit] Windows Mobile 6.5
Recently confirmed by Steve Ballmer[30], version 6.5 will be a minor upgrade to the existing Windows Mobile platform. It is said to include significant new added features.[31] It will also include the new Internet Explorer Mobile browser dubbed "IE 6 On 6".[32] Windows Mobile device makers have already received the final updates to the new browser, and Microsoft expects some of the first phones with it to be available in Asia and Europe by the end of calendar year 2008, with U.S. offerings to follow.[33] Motorola expects to release a phone running Windows Mobile 6.5 in the second half of 2009.[34]
[edit] Windows Mobile 7
Codenamed "Photon"[35], Windows Mobile 7 is a major upgrade planned for release in the second half of 2009.[36] Not much else is known about the release, though leaked information suggests a revamped UI, multi-touch and motion-related features.[37] Companies such as MWg and HTC are expected to release Pocket PC phones supporting this version.[38][39] Features include redesigned interface, new Office Mobile version, next Internet Explorer Mobile, accelerometer functionality with interface (gestures), new media player version.[40] Microsoft has somewhat confirmed the leaks, showing the homescreen during a commercial of their Live Mesh software operating on what appears to be an HTC Touch Dual.[41] Microsoft also plans on bringing some form of Zune functionality or software to this version.[42]
[edit] Windows Mobile 8
It is rumored Windows Mobile 8 will be based on Midori rather than Windows CE.[43] Gizmodo writes about Windows Mobile 8. That's the one that will be started completely from scratch, with "new plumbing." This is the version you've been waiting for, implementing a completely redesigned user interface, "revolutionary" features like global search, and new concepts such as automation and connections within the phone, ideas borrowed from other smartphone operating systems. This means that you'll be able to go from viewing a person's address info in his contact card to seeing where he lives in map view in one click. There will be much more of this intuitive flow, and far less digging through menus.[44] Windows Mobile 8 will add support for gestures on auxiliary screens.[45]
[edit] Naming conventions
Pocket PC 2000 Pocket PC 2002 Windows Mobile 2003 Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Windows Mobile 5.0
Windows Mobile 6
Pocket PC (Without Mobile Phone) Pocket PC 2000 Pocket PC 2002 Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC Windows Mobile 2003 SE for Pocket PC Windows Mobile 5.0 for Pocket PC Windows Mobile 6 Classic
Pocket PC (With Mobile Phone) Pocket PC 2000 Phone Edition Pocket PC 2002 Phone Edition Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC Phone Edition Windows Mobile 2003 SE for Pocket PC Phone Edition Windows Mobile 5.0 for Pocket PC Phone Edition Windows Mobile 6 Professional
Smartphone (Without Touch Screen) N/A Smartphone 2002 Windows Mobile 2003 for Smartphone Windows Mobile 2003 SE for Smartphone Windows Mobile 5.0 for Smartphone Windows Mobile 6 Standard
Other: Windows Mobile for Automotive 1.0, Windows Mobile software for Portable Media Centers
[edit] Software development
Third-party software development is available for the Windows Mobile operating system. There are several options for developers to use when deploying a mobile application. This includes writing native code with Visual C++, writing Managed code that works with the .NET Compact Framework, or Server-side code that can be deployed using Internet Explorer Mobile or a mobile client on the user's device. The .NET Compact Framework is actually a subset of the .NET Framework and hence shares many components with software development on desktop clients, application servers, and web servers which have the .NET Framework installed, thus integrating networked computing space (a.k.a. "The Cloud")[46].
Microsoft typically releases Windows Mobile Software development kits (SDKs) that work in conjunction with their Visual Studio development environment. These SDKs include emulator images for developers to test and debug their applications while writing them. Microsoft also distributes Visual Studio 2008 / 2005 Professional Editions, and server / database counterparts to students as downloads free of charge via its DreamSpark program[47].
Prior to the release of Windows Mobile 2003, third-party software was developed using Microsoft's eMbedded Visual Tools
Hardware platforms
Windows Mobile runs on multiple hardware platforms including Pocket PCs, smartphones, Portable Media Center, and automobiles. These hardware platforms did not always exist from the inception of Windows Mobile.
An O2 Pocket PC phone
A Smartphone (T-Mobile Dash)
A Portable Media Center
[edit] Pocket PC
Main article: Pocket PC
The Pocket PC was the original intended platform for the Windows Mobile operating system. These devices consisted of both standalone Pocket PC devices without mobile phone capabilities, and those that included mobile phone capabilities. The most current name of Windows Mobile intended for use on Pocket PCs is officially "Windows Mobile 6 Professional" for devices with mobile phone capabilities and "Windows Mobile 6 Classic" for devices without mobile phone capabilities.
[edit] Smartphone
Main article: Smartphone
The Smartphone became the next hardware platform after the Pocket PC to run Windows Mobile, and debuted with the release of Pocket PC 2002. Although in the broad sense of the term "Smartphone", both Pocket PC phones and Microsoft branded Smartphones each fit into this category, it should be noted that Microsoft's use of the term "Smartphone" includes only more specific hardware devices that differ from Pocket PC phones. Such Smartphones were originally designed without touchscreens, intended to be operated more efficiently with only one hand, and typically had lower resolution displays than Pocket PCs. Microsoft's focus for the Smartphone platform was to create a device that functioned well as a phone and data device in a more integrated manner.[4] The current name of Windows Mobile intended for use on Smartphones is officially "Windows Mobile 6 Standard".
[edit] Portable Media Center
Main article: Portable Media Center
The Portable Media Center was a device that focused on integration with Microsoft's Windows Media Center and Windows Media Player to allow users to carry their media libraries with them on the go. The Portable Media Center was officially introduced in 2004, and ran a modified version of Windows Mobile. These devices became the predecessor to Microsoft's Zune, and after 2006 Microsoft discontinued the project in favor of the latter.
[edit] Automobiles
"Windows Mobile for Automotive" is the name for Microsoft's operating system that facilitates multiple functions in automobiles including communication, entertainment, information systems.[5] Windows Mobile for use in automobiles is the latest platform for the operating system, and was introduced by Microsoft in February of 2006 at the Geneva International Motor Show.[6] Windows Mobile for Automotive comes in two different versions. The Basic version includes a Bluetooth connectivity and USB interface for music playback. The Standard version includes this also, but additionally it features a built-in GPS, GSM phone, and security features. These systems are more widely known as SYNC. The Windows Mobile for Automotive hardware specification includes a 300 MHz ARM processor, 32 MB of RAM, and a microphone.[5]
[edit] Versions
[edit] Pocket PC 2000
Typical Pocket PC 2000 Today Screen.
Pocket PC 2000, originally codenamed "Rapier",[7] was released in April of 2000, and was based on Windows CE 3.0. It was the debut of what was later dubbed the Windows Mobile operating system, and meant to be a successor to the operating system aboard Palm-Size PCs. Backwards compatibility was retained with such Palm-Size PC applications. Pocket PC 2000 was intended mainly for Pocket PC devices, however several Palm-Size PC devices had the ability to be updated as well. In addition, several Pocket PC 2000 phones were released, however the Smartphone hardware platform was not yet created. The only resolution supported by this release was 240 x 320 (QVGA). Removable storage card formats that were supported were CompactFlash and MultiMediaCard. At this time Pocket PC devices had not been standardized with a specific CPU architecture. As a result, Pocket PC 2000 was released on multiple CPU architectures; SH-3, MIPS, and ARM.
Aesthetically, the original Pocket PC operating system was similar to Windows 98, Windows Me, and Windows 2000 operating systems.
Features/built-in applications for Pocket PC 2000 included the following:[8]
* Pocket Office
o Pocket Word
o Pocket Excel
o Pocket Outlook
* Pocket Internet Explorer
* Windows Media Player
* Microsoft Reader
* Microsoft Money
* Notes, a note taking application
* Character recognition support
* Infrared (IR) File beaming capability
[edit] Pocket PC 2002
Typical Pocket PC 2002 Today Screen.
Pocket PC 2002, originally codenamed "Merlin",[7] was released in October 2001. Like Pocket PC 2000, it was powered by Windows CE 3.0. Although targeted mainly for 240 × 320 (QVGA) Pocket PC devices, Pocket PC 2002 was also used for Pocket PC phones, and for the first time, Smartphones.[9] These Pocket PC 2002 Smartphones were mainly GSM devices. With future releases, the Pocket PC and Smartphone lines would increasingly collide as the licensing terms were relaxed allowing OEMs to take advantage of more innovative, individual design ideas. Aesthetically, Pocket PC 2002 was meant to be similar in design to the then newly released Windows XP.
New features/built-in applications included the following:[10][11][12][13]
* Enhanced UI with theme support
* Spell checker and Word count tool in Pocket Word
* Savable downloads and WAP in Pocket Internet Explorer
* Virtual Private Networking support
* Synchronization of folders
* MSN Messenger
* Terminal Services
* Windows Media Player 8 with streaming capability
* Microsoft Reader 2
* Palm OS support for file beaming
* Improved Pocket Outlook
* Digital rights management (DRM) support in Microsoft Reader
[edit] Windows Mobile 2003
Typical Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC Today Screen
Windows Mobile 2003, originally codenamed "Ozone",[7] was released on June 23, 2003, and was the first release under the Windows Mobile banner. It came in four editions: "Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC Premium Edition", "Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC Professional Edition", "Windows Mobile 2003 for Smartphone" and "Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC Phone Edition". The last was designed especially for Pocket PCs which include phone functionalities. The Professional Edition was used in Pocket PC budget models such as the iPAQ rz1700 series. It lacked a number of features that were in the Premium Edition, such as a client for L2TP/IPsec VPNs. Windows Mobile 2003 was powered by Windows CE 4.20.
New features/built-in applications included the following:[14]
* Support for add-on keyboards
* Enhanced communications interface with Bluetooth device management
* Bluetooth file beaming support
* Bluetooth headset support
* Pictures application with viewing, cropping, e-mail, and beaming support
* Jawbreaker game
* Enhanced Pocket Outlook with vCard and vCal support
* Improved Pocket Internet Explorer
* Windows Media Player 9.0 with streaming optimization
* SMS reply options for Phone Edition
* MIDI file support as ringtones in Phone Edition
[edit] Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition, also known as "Windows Mobile 2003 SE", was released on March 24, 2004 and first offered on the Dell Axim x30.
New features/built-in applications included the following:
* Portrait and Landscape switching for Pocket PCs
* Single-Column layout in Pocket Internet Explorer
* VGA (640×480), 240x240, and 480x480 Screen resolution
* Wi-Fi Protected Access support
[edit] Windows Mobile 5
Typical Windows Mobile 5.0 for Pocket PC Today Screen
Windows Mobile 5.0, originally codenamed "Magneto",[7] was released at Microsoft's Mobile and Embedded Developers Conference 2005 in Las Vegas, May 9–May 12, 2005, and first offered on the Dell Axim x51. It was powered by Windows CE 5.0 and used the .NET Compact Framework 1.0 SP3 — an environment for programs based on .NET. Windows Mobile 5.0 included Microsoft Exchange Server "push" functionality improvements that worked with Exchange 2003 SP2.[15] The "push" functionality also required vendor/device support[16] With AKU2 software upgrades all WM 5.0 devices supported DirectPush. WM 5.0 featured increased battery life due to Persistent storage capability. Previously up to 50% (enough for 72 hours of storage) of battery power was reserved just to maintain data in volatile RAM. This continued the trend of Windows-based devices moving from using RAM as their primary storage medium to the use of flash memory. With Windows Mobile 5.0, OS updates were released as Adaptation kit upgrades. AKU3.5 is the most current release.
New features/built-in applications included the following:
* A new version of Office called "Office Mobile"
o PowerPoint Mobile
o Graphing capability in Excel Mobile
o Tables and graphics insertion in Word Mobile
* Windows Media Player 10 Mobile
* Photo Caller ID
* DirectShow support
* Picture and Video package, which converged the management of videos and pictures
* Enhanced Bluetooth support
* Global Positioning System (GPS) management interface
* Microsoft Exchange Server "push" functionality improvements
* Default QWERTY keyboard-support
* Error reporting facility similar to that present in desktop and server Windows systems
* ActiveSync 4.2 with 15% increased synchronization speed
* Persistent storage (PS) support in Pocket PCs
* Increased battery life
[edit] Windows Mobile 6
Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional Today Screen
Windows Mobile 6.1 Smartphone Today Screen
Windows Mobile 6, formerly codenamed "Crossbow",[7] was released on February 12, 2007[17] at the 3GSM World Congress 2007. It comes in three different versions: "Windows Mobile 6 Standard" for Smartphones (phones without touchscreens), "Windows Mobile 6 Professional" for Pocket PCs with phone functionality, and "Windows Mobile 6 Classic" for Pocket PCs without cellular radios.[18]
Windows Mobile 6 is powered by Windows CE 5.0 (version 5.2) and is strongly linked to Windows Live and Exchange 2007 products. Windows Mobile 6 Standard was first offered on the Orange's SPV E650,[19] while Windows Mobile 6 Professional was first offered on the O2's Xda Terra.[20] Aesthetically, Windows Mobile 6 was meant to be similar in design to the then newly released Windows Vista.
New features/built-in applications include the following:[21]
* 320x320 and 800x480 (WVGA) screen resolution support
* Office Mobile support for Smartphones
* Operating System Live Update[22]
* Improved Remote Desktop access[23](Available for only certain Pocket PCs)[24]
* VoIP (Internet calling) support with AEC (Acoustic Echo Cancelling) and MSRT Audio Codec
* Windows Live for Windows Mobile[25]
* Customer Feedback option[26]
* Enhanced Microsoft Bluetooth Stack
* Storage Card Encryption (encryption keys are lost if device is cold-booted).
* Smartfilter for searching within programs
* Improved Internet Sharing
* HTML email support in Outlook Mobile
* Search ability for contacts in an Exchange Server Address Book
* AJAX, JavaScript, and XMLDOM support on Internet Explorer Mobile
* Out of Office Replies with Microsoft Exchange 2007
* Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA) support for select operators
* Server Search on Microsoft Exchange 2007
* .NET Compact Framework v2 SP2 Preinstalled in ROM
* Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition Preinstalled in ROM
* OneNote Mobile as a companion to Microsoft Office OneNote
* Office Mobile 6.1 announced[27] with support for Office 2007 document formats (pptx, docx, xlsx).
[edit] Windows Mobile 6.1
Windows Mobile 6.1 was announced April 1, 2008. It is a minor upgrade to the existing Windows Mobile 6 platform which brings with it a redesigned Home screen featuring horizontal tiles that expand on clicking to display more information, although this new home screen is featured only on Windows Mobile Standard edition. This feature was inexplicably left out of the Professional edition.[28] Several other improvements such as threaded SMS, full page zooming in IE and 'Domain Enroll' have also been added. Domain Enroll is functionality to connect the device to System Center Mobile Device Manager 2008, a product to manage mobile devices.[29] There are other differences as well. The most prominent difference for the user is that the Standard version (like earlier versions) still creates automatic links for telephone numbers in Tasks and Appointments, which allows for the easy (and safe while driving) click and dial of stored telephone numbers within these Outlook items. For some reason, the Professional version has eliminated this important feature.
[edit] Future versions
This article or section contains information about scheduled or expected future software.
The content may change as the software release approaches and more information becomes available.
[edit] Windows Mobile 6.5
Recently confirmed by Steve Ballmer[30], version 6.5 will be a minor upgrade to the existing Windows Mobile platform. It is said to include significant new added features.[31] It will also include the new Internet Explorer Mobile browser dubbed "IE 6 On 6".[32] Windows Mobile device makers have already received the final updates to the new browser, and Microsoft expects some of the first phones with it to be available in Asia and Europe by the end of calendar year 2008, with U.S. offerings to follow.[33] Motorola expects to release a phone running Windows Mobile 6.5 in the second half of 2009.[34]
[edit] Windows Mobile 7
Codenamed "Photon"[35], Windows Mobile 7 is a major upgrade planned for release in the second half of 2009.[36] Not much else is known about the release, though leaked information suggests a revamped UI, multi-touch and motion-related features.[37] Companies such as MWg and HTC are expected to release Pocket PC phones supporting this version.[38][39] Features include redesigned interface, new Office Mobile version, next Internet Explorer Mobile, accelerometer functionality with interface (gestures), new media player version.[40] Microsoft has somewhat confirmed the leaks, showing the homescreen during a commercial of their Live Mesh software operating on what appears to be an HTC Touch Dual.[41] Microsoft also plans on bringing some form of Zune functionality or software to this version.[42]
[edit] Windows Mobile 8
It is rumored Windows Mobile 8 will be based on Midori rather than Windows CE.[43] Gizmodo writes about Windows Mobile 8. That's the one that will be started completely from scratch, with "new plumbing." This is the version you've been waiting for, implementing a completely redesigned user interface, "revolutionary" features like global search, and new concepts such as automation and connections within the phone, ideas borrowed from other smartphone operating systems. This means that you'll be able to go from viewing a person's address info in his contact card to seeing where he lives in map view in one click. There will be much more of this intuitive flow, and far less digging through menus.[44] Windows Mobile 8 will add support for gestures on auxiliary screens.[45]
[edit] Naming conventions
Pocket PC 2000 Pocket PC 2002 Windows Mobile 2003 Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Windows Mobile 5.0
Windows Mobile 6
Pocket PC (Without Mobile Phone) Pocket PC 2000 Pocket PC 2002 Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC Windows Mobile 2003 SE for Pocket PC Windows Mobile 5.0 for Pocket PC Windows Mobile 6 Classic
Pocket PC (With Mobile Phone) Pocket PC 2000 Phone Edition Pocket PC 2002 Phone Edition Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC Phone Edition Windows Mobile 2003 SE for Pocket PC Phone Edition Windows Mobile 5.0 for Pocket PC Phone Edition Windows Mobile 6 Professional
Smartphone (Without Touch Screen) N/A Smartphone 2002 Windows Mobile 2003 for Smartphone Windows Mobile 2003 SE for Smartphone Windows Mobile 5.0 for Smartphone Windows Mobile 6 Standard
Other: Windows Mobile for Automotive 1.0, Windows Mobile software for Portable Media Centers
[edit] Software development
Third-party software development is available for the Windows Mobile operating system. There are several options for developers to use when deploying a mobile application. This includes writing native code with Visual C++, writing Managed code that works with the .NET Compact Framework, or Server-side code that can be deployed using Internet Explorer Mobile or a mobile client on the user's device. The .NET Compact Framework is actually a subset of the .NET Framework and hence shares many components with software development on desktop clients, application servers, and web servers which have the .NET Framework installed, thus integrating networked computing space (a.k.a. "The Cloud")[46].
Microsoft typically releases Windows Mobile Software development kits (SDKs) that work in conjunction with their Visual Studio development environment. These SDKs include emulator images for developers to test and debug their applications while writing them. Microsoft also distributes Visual Studio 2008 / 2005 Professional Editions, and server / database counterparts to students as downloads free of charge via its DreamSpark program[47].
Prior to the release of Windows Mobile 2003, third-party software was developed using Microsoft's eMbedded Visual Tools
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The Nokia E71 smartphone running S60 3rd Edition, Feature Pack 1 UI on the Symbian OS v9.2
A smartphone is a mobile phone offering advanced capabilities beyond a typical mobile phone, often with PC-like functionality. There is no industry standard definition of a smartphone.[1][2] For some, a smartphone is a phone that runs complete operating system software providing a standardized interface and platform for application developers.[3][4] For others, a smartphone is simply a phone with advanced features like e-mail and Internet capabilities, and/or a full keyboard.[5][6]
* 1 Definition
* 2 History
* 3 Operating systems
* 4 See also
* 5 References
[edit] Definition
There is no agreement in the industry about what a smartphone actually is and definitions have changed over time.[2] According to David Wood, EVP at Symbian, "Smart phones differ from ordinary mobile phones in two fundamental ways: how they are built and what they can do."[7] Other definitions put different stresses on these two factors.[citation needed]
Most devices considered smartphones today use an identifiable and open operating system, often with the ability to add applications (e.g. for enhanced data processing, connectivity or entertainment) - in contrast to regular phones which only support sandboxed applications (like Java games)[citation needed]. These smartphone applications may be developed by the manufacturer of the device, by the network operator or by any other third-party software developer, since the operating system is open.[citation needed].
In terms of features, most smartphones support full featured email capabilities with the functionality of a complete personal organizer. Other functionality might include an additional interface such as a miniature QWERTY keyboard, a touch screen or a D-pad, a built-in camera, contact management, an accelerometer, built-in navigation hardware and software, the ability to read business documents in a variety of formats such as PDF and Microsoft Office, media software for playing music, browsing photos and viewing video clips, internet browsers or even just secure access to company mail, such as is provided by a BlackBerry. One common feature to the majority of the smartphones is a contact list able to store as many contacts as the available memory permits, in contrast to regular phones that has a limit to the maximum number of contacts that can be stored.
[edit] History
Motorola Q
Apple iPhone
The first smartphone was called Simon; it was designed by IBM in 1992 and shown as a concept product that year at COMDEX, the computer industry trade show held in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was released to the public in 1993 and sold by BellSouth. Besides being a mobile phone, it also contained a calendar, address book, world clock, calculator, note pad, e-mail, send and receive fax, and games. It had no physical buttons to dial with. Instead customers used a touch-screen to select phone numbers with a finger or create facsimiles and memos with an optional stylus. Text was entered with a unique on-screen "predictive" keyboard. By today's standards, the Simon would be a fairly low-end smartphone.
The Nokia Communicator line was the first of Nokia's smartphones starting with the Nokia 9000, released in 1996. This distinctive palmtop computer style smartphone was the result of a collaborative effort of an early successful and expensive PDA model by Hewlett Packard combined with Nokia's bestselling phone around that time and early prototype models had the two devices fixed via a hinge; the Nokia 9210 as the first color screen Communicator model which was the first true smartphone with an open operating system; the 9500 Communicator that was also Nokia's first cameraphone Communicator and Nokia's first WiFi phone; the 9300 Communicator was the third dimensional shift into a smaller form factor; and the latest E90 Communicator includes GPS. The Nokia Communicator model is remarkable also having been the most expensive phone model sold by a major brand for almost the full lifespan of the model series, easily 20% and sometimes 40% more expensive than the next most expensive smartphone by any major manufacturer.
The Ericsson R380 was sold as a 'smartphone' but could not run native third-party applications.[8] Although the Nokia 9210 was arguably the first true smartphone with an open operating system, Nokia continued to refer to it as a Communicator.
In 2001 RIM released the first BlackBerry which was the first smartphone optimized for wireless email use and has achieved a total customer base of 8 million subscribers by June 2007, of which three quarters are in North America.
Although the Nokia 7650, announced in 2001, was referred to as a 'smart phone' in the media, and is now called a 'smartphone' on the Nokia support site, the press release referred to it as an 'imaging phone'.[9][10][11] Handspring delivered the first widely popular smartphone devices in the US market by marrying its Palm OS based Visor PDA together with a piggybacked GSM phone module. By 2002, Handspring was marketing an integrated smartphone called the Treo; the company subsequently merged with Palm primarily because the PDA market was dying but the Treo smartphone was quickly becoming popular as a phone with extended PDA organizer features. That same year, Microsoft announced its Windows CE Pocket PC OS would be offered as "Microsoft Windows Powered Smartphone 2002".[12] Microsoft originally defined its Windows Smartphone products as lacking a touchscreen and offering a lower screen resolution compared to its sibling Pocket PC devices. Palm has since largely abandoned its own Palm OS in favor of licensing Microsoft's WinCE-based operating system now referred to as Windows Mobile, although WinCE and Palm OS together now amount to 10% of the smartphone market.
In 2005 Nokia launched its N-Series of 3G smartphones which Nokia started to market not as mobile phones but as multimedia computers.
Out of 1 billion camera phones to be shipped in 2008, smartphones, the higher end of the market with full email support, will represent about 10% of the market or about 100 million units.[citation needed]
The Smartphone Summit semi-annual conference details smartphone industry market data, trends, and updates among smartphone related hardware, software, and accessories.
Android, a cross platform OS for smartphones was released in 2008.
[edit] Operating systems
T-Mobile Dash
Market share of Smartphone operating systems (As of November 2008)
Operating systems that can be found on mobile devices include Symbian OS (45% of market[13]), RIM's BlackBerry (17% [14]), Windows Mobile (12%[15]), Familiar Linux (7.3%[16]), Palm OS (2%[17]), The Ångström Distribution, and the Darwin (iPhone OS) (0.3%[18]). The Open Handset Alliance's Android is a recent smart phone addition touted by Google and T-Mobile (which launched the G1 phone on October 22, 2008). The OHA hopes Android will gain 4% market share by year's end.[19]
The most common operating systems (OS) used in smartphones are in Q3 2008:
Symbian OS from Symbian Ltd. (46,6% Market Share Sales Q3 2008 [20])
Symbian has the largest share in most markets worldwide, but lags behind other companies in the relatively small but highly visible North American market.[21] This matches the success of its largest shareholder[22] and customer, Nokia, in all markets except Japan. Nokia itself enjoys 52.9% of the smartphone market.[23] In Japan Symbian is strong due to a relationship with NTT DoCoMo, with only one of the 44 Symbian handsets released in Japan coming from Nokia.[24] It is used by many major handset manufacturers, including BenQ, LG, Motorola, Samsung, and Sony Ericsson.[25] Various implementations of user interfaces on top of Symbian (most notable being UIQ and Nokia's own S60) are incompatible, which along with the requirement that applications running on mobile phones be signed [26] is hindering the potential for a truly widely accepted mobile application platform. It has received some adverse press attention due to virus threats (actually trojan horses).[27]
iPhone OS from Apple Inc. (17.3% Market Share Sales Q3 2008)
The iPhone (and iPod Touch) use an operating system called iPhone OS, which is derived from Mac OS X. Third party applications were, soon after the release of the iPhone, able to be installed through Installer.app, and was somewhat difficult. After firmware 1.1.1 for the iPhone and the release of the iPod Touch, however, a web service allowed the installation of 3rd party applications. With the release of iPhone OS 2.0 on July 11th 2008, native applications are now available and can be downloaded through the iTunes App Store, although other "jailbreaking" to install 3rd party applications are still available for iPhone OS.
RIM BlackBerry operating system (15.2% Market Share Sales Q3 2008)
This OS is focused on easy operation and was originally designed for business. Recently it has seen a surge in third-party applications and has been improved to offer full multimedia support.
Windows Mobile from Microsoft (13.6% Market Share Sales Q3 2008)
The Windows CE operating system and Windows Mobile middleware are widely spread in Asia. The two improved variants of this operating system, Windows Mobile 6 Professional (for touch screen devices) and Windows Mobile 6 Standard, were unveiled in February 2007. Windows Mobile is enjoying great popularity because of the low barrier to entry for third-party developers to write new applications for the platform[citation needed].
Linux operating system (5.1% Market Share Sales Q3 2008)
Linux is strongest in China where it is used by Motorola, and in Japan, used by DoCoMo.[28][29] Rather than being a platform in its own right, Linux is used as a basis for a number of different platforms developed by several vendors, including Motorola and TrollTech, which are mostly incompatible.[30][31] PalmSource (now Access) is moving towards an interface running on Linux.[32] Another platform based on Linux is being developed by Motorola, NEC, NTT DoCoMo, Panasonic, Samsung, and Vodafone.[33]
Palm OS developed by PalmSource (now a subsidiary of ACCESS)
PalmSource traditionally used its own platform developed by Palm Inc. Access Linux Platform (ALP) is an improvement that was planned to be launched in the first half of 2007. It will use technical specifications from the Linux Phone Standards Forum. The Access Linux Platform will include an emulation layer to support applications developed for Palm-based devices.
Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless (BREW)
BREW was developed in the USA by Qualcomm, Inc and is popular in North America. BREW is a mobile application development platform and end-to-end content delivery ecosystem. BREW has recently gained a foothold in Europe via the Three Skypephone offered by network 3.
Android from Google (Released 22 Oct 2008)
Android, which was developed by Google, has yet to own even a small part of the smartphone market because of its recent release date. The OS is currently only on the HTC Dream (G1), running on T-Mobile USA's network. Android was developed as a platform that could be run on many devices. Although the Android operating system may be built to run on many devices, it is run exclusively on T-Mobile's G1 at the moment. Sprint also plans to sell an Android powered phone sometime in February or March of 2009.
Market Share data from Canalys report "Worldwide smart mobile device market, Canalys Q3 2008" Read More ..
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The Nokia E71 smartphone running S60 3rd Edition, Feature Pack 1 UI on the Symbian OS v9.2
A smartphone is a mobile phone offering advanced capabilities beyond a typical mobile phone, often with PC-like functionality. There is no industry standard definition of a smartphone.[1][2] For some, a smartphone is a phone that runs complete operating system software providing a standardized interface and platform for application developers.[3][4] For others, a smartphone is simply a phone with advanced features like e-mail and Internet capabilities, and/or a full keyboard.[5][6]
* 1 Definition
* 2 History
* 3 Operating systems
* 4 See also
* 5 References
[edit] Definition
There is no agreement in the industry about what a smartphone actually is and definitions have changed over time.[2] According to David Wood, EVP at Symbian, "Smart phones differ from ordinary mobile phones in two fundamental ways: how they are built and what they can do."[7] Other definitions put different stresses on these two factors.[citation needed]
Most devices considered smartphones today use an identifiable and open operating system, often with the ability to add applications (e.g. for enhanced data processing, connectivity or entertainment) - in contrast to regular phones which only support sandboxed applications (like Java games)[citation needed]. These smartphone applications may be developed by the manufacturer of the device, by the network operator or by any other third-party software developer, since the operating system is open.[citation needed].
In terms of features, most smartphones support full featured email capabilities with the functionality of a complete personal organizer. Other functionality might include an additional interface such as a miniature QWERTY keyboard, a touch screen or a D-pad, a built-in camera, contact management, an accelerometer, built-in navigation hardware and software, the ability to read business documents in a variety of formats such as PDF and Microsoft Office, media software for playing music, browsing photos and viewing video clips, internet browsers or even just secure access to company mail, such as is provided by a BlackBerry. One common feature to the majority of the smartphones is a contact list able to store as many contacts as the available memory permits, in contrast to regular phones that has a limit to the maximum number of contacts that can be stored.
[edit] History
Motorola Q
Apple iPhone
The first smartphone was called Simon; it was designed by IBM in 1992 and shown as a concept product that year at COMDEX, the computer industry trade show held in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was released to the public in 1993 and sold by BellSouth. Besides being a mobile phone, it also contained a calendar, address book, world clock, calculator, note pad, e-mail, send and receive fax, and games. It had no physical buttons to dial with. Instead customers used a touch-screen to select phone numbers with a finger or create facsimiles and memos with an optional stylus. Text was entered with a unique on-screen "predictive" keyboard. By today's standards, the Simon would be a fairly low-end smartphone.
The Nokia Communicator line was the first of Nokia's smartphones starting with the Nokia 9000, released in 1996. This distinctive palmtop computer style smartphone was the result of a collaborative effort of an early successful and expensive PDA model by Hewlett Packard combined with Nokia's bestselling phone around that time and early prototype models had the two devices fixed via a hinge; the Nokia 9210 as the first color screen Communicator model which was the first true smartphone with an open operating system; the 9500 Communicator that was also Nokia's first cameraphone Communicator and Nokia's first WiFi phone; the 9300 Communicator was the third dimensional shift into a smaller form factor; and the latest E90 Communicator includes GPS. The Nokia Communicator model is remarkable also having been the most expensive phone model sold by a major brand for almost the full lifespan of the model series, easily 20% and sometimes 40% more expensive than the next most expensive smartphone by any major manufacturer.
The Ericsson R380 was sold as a 'smartphone' but could not run native third-party applications.[8] Although the Nokia 9210 was arguably the first true smartphone with an open operating system, Nokia continued to refer to it as a Communicator.
In 2001 RIM released the first BlackBerry which was the first smartphone optimized for wireless email use and has achieved a total customer base of 8 million subscribers by June 2007, of which three quarters are in North America.
Although the Nokia 7650, announced in 2001, was referred to as a 'smart phone' in the media, and is now called a 'smartphone' on the Nokia support site, the press release referred to it as an 'imaging phone'.[9][10][11] Handspring delivered the first widely popular smartphone devices in the US market by marrying its Palm OS based Visor PDA together with a piggybacked GSM phone module. By 2002, Handspring was marketing an integrated smartphone called the Treo; the company subsequently merged with Palm primarily because the PDA market was dying but the Treo smartphone was quickly becoming popular as a phone with extended PDA organizer features. That same year, Microsoft announced its Windows CE Pocket PC OS would be offered as "Microsoft Windows Powered Smartphone 2002".[12] Microsoft originally defined its Windows Smartphone products as lacking a touchscreen and offering a lower screen resolution compared to its sibling Pocket PC devices. Palm has since largely abandoned its own Palm OS in favor of licensing Microsoft's WinCE-based operating system now referred to as Windows Mobile, although WinCE and Palm OS together now amount to 10% of the smartphone market.
In 2005 Nokia launched its N-Series of 3G smartphones which Nokia started to market not as mobile phones but as multimedia computers.
Out of 1 billion camera phones to be shipped in 2008, smartphones, the higher end of the market with full email support, will represent about 10% of the market or about 100 million units.[citation needed]
The Smartphone Summit semi-annual conference details smartphone industry market data, trends, and updates among smartphone related hardware, software, and accessories.
Android, a cross platform OS for smartphones was released in 2008.
[edit] Operating systems
T-Mobile Dash
Market share of Smartphone operating systems (As of November 2008)
Operating systems that can be found on mobile devices include Symbian OS (45% of market[13]), RIM's BlackBerry (17% [14]), Windows Mobile (12%[15]), Familiar Linux (7.3%[16]), Palm OS (2%[17]), The Ångström Distribution, and the Darwin (iPhone OS) (0.3%[18]). The Open Handset Alliance's Android is a recent smart phone addition touted by Google and T-Mobile (which launched the G1 phone on October 22, 2008). The OHA hopes Android will gain 4% market share by year's end.[19]
The most common operating systems (OS) used in smartphones are in Q3 2008:
Symbian OS from Symbian Ltd. (46,6% Market Share Sales Q3 2008 [20])
Symbian has the largest share in most markets worldwide, but lags behind other companies in the relatively small but highly visible North American market.[21] This matches the success of its largest shareholder[22] and customer, Nokia, in all markets except Japan. Nokia itself enjoys 52.9% of the smartphone market.[23] In Japan Symbian is strong due to a relationship with NTT DoCoMo, with only one of the 44 Symbian handsets released in Japan coming from Nokia.[24] It is used by many major handset manufacturers, including BenQ, LG, Motorola, Samsung, and Sony Ericsson.[25] Various implementations of user interfaces on top of Symbian (most notable being UIQ and Nokia's own S60) are incompatible, which along with the requirement that applications running on mobile phones be signed [26] is hindering the potential for a truly widely accepted mobile application platform. It has received some adverse press attention due to virus threats (actually trojan horses).[27]
iPhone OS from Apple Inc. (17.3% Market Share Sales Q3 2008)
The iPhone (and iPod Touch) use an operating system called iPhone OS, which is derived from Mac OS X. Third party applications were, soon after the release of the iPhone, able to be installed through Installer.app, and was somewhat difficult. After firmware 1.1.1 for the iPhone and the release of the iPod Touch, however, a web service allowed the installation of 3rd party applications. With the release of iPhone OS 2.0 on July 11th 2008, native applications are now available and can be downloaded through the iTunes App Store, although other "jailbreaking" to install 3rd party applications are still available for iPhone OS.
RIM BlackBerry operating system (15.2% Market Share Sales Q3 2008)
This OS is focused on easy operation and was originally designed for business. Recently it has seen a surge in third-party applications and has been improved to offer full multimedia support.
Windows Mobile from Microsoft (13.6% Market Share Sales Q3 2008)
The Windows CE operating system and Windows Mobile middleware are widely spread in Asia. The two improved variants of this operating system, Windows Mobile 6 Professional (for touch screen devices) and Windows Mobile 6 Standard, were unveiled in February 2007. Windows Mobile is enjoying great popularity because of the low barrier to entry for third-party developers to write new applications for the platform[citation needed].
Linux operating system (5.1% Market Share Sales Q3 2008)
Linux is strongest in China where it is used by Motorola, and in Japan, used by DoCoMo.[28][29] Rather than being a platform in its own right, Linux is used as a basis for a number of different platforms developed by several vendors, including Motorola and TrollTech, which are mostly incompatible.[30][31] PalmSource (now Access) is moving towards an interface running on Linux.[32] Another platform based on Linux is being developed by Motorola, NEC, NTT DoCoMo, Panasonic, Samsung, and Vodafone.[33]
Palm OS developed by PalmSource (now a subsidiary of ACCESS)
PalmSource traditionally used its own platform developed by Palm Inc. Access Linux Platform (ALP) is an improvement that was planned to be launched in the first half of 2007. It will use technical specifications from the Linux Phone Standards Forum. The Access Linux Platform will include an emulation layer to support applications developed for Palm-based devices.
Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless (BREW)
BREW was developed in the USA by Qualcomm, Inc and is popular in North America. BREW is a mobile application development platform and end-to-end content delivery ecosystem. BREW has recently gained a foothold in Europe via the Three Skypephone offered by network 3.
Android from Google (Released 22 Oct 2008)
Android, which was developed by Google, has yet to own even a small part of the smartphone market because of its recent release date. The OS is currently only on the HTC Dream (G1), running on T-Mobile USA's network. Android was developed as a platform that could be run on many devices. Although the Android operating system may be built to run on many devices, it is run exclusively on T-Mobile's G1 at the moment. Sprint also plans to sell an Android powered phone sometime in February or March of 2009.
Market Share data from Canalys report "Worldwide smart mobile device market, Canalys Q3 2008" Read More ..
Abacus/Fossil, Inc.
Fossil, following in its tradition of watchmaking, has begun making Wrist PDAs that use the Palm OS operating system.(Discontinued)
* AU5005 -- Palm OS 4.1
* AU5006 -- Palm OS 4.1
* AU5008 -- Palm OS 4.1
* FX2008 -- Palm OS 4.1
* FX2009 -- Palm OS 4.1
[edit] Aceeca
* Meazura -- Palm OS 4.1.2
[edit] Acer
* S10 -- Palm OS 4.1 - first Chinese Palm
* S50 -- Palm OS 4.1
* S60 -- Palm OS 4.1
[edit] AlphaSmart
* Dana -- Palm OS 4.1.2 - small "laptop" with Palm OS
[edit] Group Sense PDA
Smartphones with Palm OS
* Xplore G18 -- Palm OS 4.1
* Xplore G88 -- Palm OS 4.1
* Xplore M28 -- Palm OS 5.4
* Xplore M68 -- Palm OS 5.4
* Xplore M98 -- Palm OS 5.4
* Xplore M70 -- Palm OS 5.4
[edit] Handera
* Handera 330 -- Palm OS 3.5.3
* TRGpro -- Palm OS 3.5.3 - introduced standard (CF) Card slot (company was at that time TRG (Technology Resource Group))
[edit] Handspring
The inventors of the Palm formed a new company called Handspring in June 1998, operating until 2003 when it merged with Palm, Inc.'s hardware division.
[edit] Treo
Smartphones (except 90)
The Treo 300
* Treo 90 -- Palm OS 4.1H, can be updated to 4.1H3 which adds SDIO support
* Treo 180 -- Palm OS 3.5.2H
* Treo 180g -- Palm OS 3.5.2H The Treo 180 with graffiti area, rather than a thumbboard
* Treo 270 -- Palm OS 3.5.2H
* Treo 300 -- Palm OS 3.5.2H6.2
* Treo 600 -- Palm OS 5.2.1H
[edit] Visor
Visors introduced color cases and the Springboard Expansion slot.
* Visor Deluxe -- Palm OS 3.1H2
* Visor Edge -- Palm OS 3.5.2H2
* Visor Neo -- Palm OS 3.5.2H3
* Visor Platinum -- Palm OS 3.5.2H
* Visor Prism -- Palm OS 3.5.2H
* Visor Pro -- Palm OS 3.5.2H3
[edit] Garmin
PDA with integrated GPS.
* iQue 3600a -- Palm OS 5.4
* iQue 3600 -- Palm OS 5.2.1
* iQue 3200 -- Palm OS 5.2.1
* iQue 3000 -- Palm OS 5.2.1
[edit] IBM
IBM's Workpad series was nearly identical to PDAs manufactured by Palm. The main difference were color and logo on the casing.
[edit] WorkPad
* WorkPad (rebadged PalmPilot)
* WorkPad 20X (rebadged Palm III)
* WorkPad 30X (rebadged Palm IIIx)
* WorkPad c3 (rebadged Palm V/Vx)
* WorkPad c500 (rebadged Palm m500)
* WorkPad c505 (rebadged Palm m505)
[edit] Kyocera
* QCP-6035 -- Palm OS 3.5.3
* QCP-7135 -- Palm OS 4.1
[edit] Legend Group
* Pam 168 -- Palm OS 4.1
[edit] Lenovo
Chinese PDA's
* p100 -- Palm OS 5.3
* p300 -- Palm OS 5.3
[edit] Palm, Inc. & PalmOne, Inc.
A Palm Pilot 5000
* Pilot 1000 (as division of U.S. Robotics) -- Palm OS 1.0 - 16 MHz, 128 KB RAM
* Pilot 5000 (as division of U.S. Robotics) -- Palm OS 1.0 - 512 KB RAM
* PalmPilot Personal (as division of U.S. Robotics) -- Palm OS 2.0
* PalmPilot Professional (as division of U.S. Robotics) -- Palm OS 2.0 - 1 MB RAM, Backlight
* Palm III -- Palm OS 3.0 - 2 MB RAM (update possible to 3.3 (website))
* Palm IIIc -- Palm OS 3.5.3 - Color Screen
* Palm IIIe -- Palm OS 3.1
* Palm IIIx -- Palm OS 3.1 - 4 MB RAM (update possible to 3.3 (website) or 4.1 (CD))
A Palm IIIxe unit with Accessories.
* Palm IIIxe -- Palm OS 3.5 - 8 MB RAM (update possible to 4.1 (CD) & a 3.5 patch Available from website (3.5.3))
* Palm V -- Palm OS 3.1 (later 3.3) - thin, sleek, metal case
* Palm VII -- Palm OS 3.2 - Wireless
* Palm VIIx Palm OS 3.5 (update possible to 3.5.3)
* Palm Vx -- Palm OS 3.3 (update possible to 3.5 and then 3.5.3 (website) or 4.1 (CD))
* Palm m100 -- Palm OS 3.0
* Palm m105 -- Palm OS 3.5
* Palm m125 -- Palm OS 3.5
* Palm m130 -- Palm OS 4.1
* Palm m500 -- Palm OS 4.0 (later 4.1)
* Palm m505 -- Palm OS 4.0
* Palm m515 -- Palm OS 4.1
* Palm i705 -- Palm OS 4.1
[edit] Zire
The Zire series, now replaced by the "Z" series, are the lower end Palm models.
The PalmOne Zire 31 and stylus
* Zire (also known as m150) -- Palm OS 4.1
* Zire 21 -- Palm OS 5.2.8
* Zire 71 -- Palm OS 5.2.1
* Zire 31 -- Palm OS 5.2.8 - New PIM
* Zire 72/Zire 72s -- Palm OS 5.2.8 - New PIM
* Palm Z22 -- Palm OS 5.4.9 - New PIM - NVFS
[edit] Tungsten
The Tungsten series are the high end Palm models, with ARM/RISC processors (except T|W), high-resolution color screens, and SD memory cards.
* Tungsten C -- Palm OS 5.2.1 - 400 MHz, WiFi
* Tungsten E -- Palm OS 5.2.1
* Tungsten E2 -- Palm OS 5.4.7 - NVFS
* Tungsten T (also known as m550) -- Palm OS 5.0 - 320x320 screen, Slider case, Voice Recorder
* Tungsten T2 -- Palm OS 5.2.1 - 32MiB RAM, Graffiti 2
* Tungsten T3 -- Palm OS 5.2.1 - 320x480 screen
* Tungsten T5 -- Palm OS 5.4.0 (5.4.8 with version 1.1 update) - NVFS, internal USB flash drive
* Tungsten W -- Palm OS 4.1 - Keyboard, ~Cell service, SD Card
* Palm TX -- Palm OS 5.4.9 - NVFS
[edit] Treo
The Treo series are combo Cell Phones/PDA models, originally developed by Handspring.
* Treo 600 -- Palm OS 5.4 - (The first models were "Handspring"-branded, later models were "Palm"-branded.)
* Treo 650 -- Palm OS 5.4, 5.4.5 or 5.4.8 depending on specific carrier version
* Treo 680 -- Palm OS 5.4.9
* Treo 700p -- Palm OS 5.4.9
* Treo 755p -- Palm OS 5.4.9
* Palm Centro -- Palm OS 5.4.9
[edit] LifeDrive
* LifeDrive -- Palm OS 5.4.8 - 4GB Harddrive
[edit] Qualcomm
Smartphones, later sold to Kyocera
* pdQ 1900 -- PalmOS 3.0
* pdQ 800 -- PalmOS 3.0
[edit] Samsung
* SPH-i300 -- Palm OS 3.5
* SPH-i330 -- Palm OS 3.5.3
* SPH-i500 -- Palm OS 4.1
* SPH-i550 -- Palm OS 5.2
* SGH-i530 -- Palm OS 5.2
* SCH-i539 -- Palm OS 5.4.1
[edit] Sony CLIÉ
See also: CLIÉ
Sony developed and marketed the CLIÉ multimedia PDA from 2000 to 2005.
The Sony CLIÉ TJ37
[edit] N Series
* PEG-N610C -- Palm OS 4.0
* PEG-N710C -- Palm OS 3.5.2
* PEG-N760C -- Palm OS 4.1S
[edit] NR Series
* PEG-NR70 -- Palm OS 4.1S
* PEG-NR70V -- Palm OS 4.1S
[edit] NX Series
* PEG-NX60 -- Palm OS 5.0
* PEG-NX70V -- Palm OS 5.0
* PEG-NX73V -- Palm OS 5.0
* PEG-NX80V -- Palm OS 5.0
[edit] NZ Series
* PEG-NZ90 -- Palm OS 5.0
[edit] S Series
* PEG-S300 -- Palm OS 3.5S
* PEG-S320 -- Palm OS 4.0S
* PEG-S360 -- Palm OS 4.0S
* PEG-S500C -- Palm OS 3.5S
[edit] SJ Series
* PEG-SJ20 -- Palm OS 4.1
* PEG-SJ22 -- Palm OS 4.1
* PEG-SJ30 -- Palm OS 4.1
* PEG-SJ33 -- Palm OS 4.1
[edit] SL Series
* PEG-SL10 -- Palm OS 4.1
[edit] T Series
* PEG-T415 -- Palm OS 4.1
* PEG-T615C -- Palm OS 4.1
* PEG-T665C -- Palm OS 4.1
[edit] TG Series
* PEG-TG50 -- Palm OS 5.0
[edit] TH Series
* PEG-TH55 -- Palm OS 5.2
[edit] TJ Series
* PEG-TJ25 -- Palm OS 5.2
* PEG-TJ27 -- Palm OS 5.2
* PEG-TJ35 -- Palm OS 5.2
* PEG-TJ37 -- Palm OS 5.2
[edit] UX Series
* PEG-UX40 -- Palm OS 5.2
* PEG-UX50 -- Palm OS 5.2
[edit] VZ Series
* PEG-VZ90 -- Palm OS 5.2.1
[edit] Symbol
PDA with integrated barcode reader
* SPT-1500 -- Palm OS 3.0.2r3
* SPT-1550 -- Palm OS 3.0
* SPT-1700 -- Palm OS 3.5
* SPT-1733 -- Palm OS 3.5.2
* SPT-1734 -- Palm OS 3.5.2
* SPT-1740 -- Palm OS 3.5
* SPT-1800 -- Palm OS 4.0
* SPT-1833 -- Palm OS 4.0
* SPT-1834 -- Palm OS 4.0
* SPT-1846 -- Palm OS 4.0
[edit] Tapwave
The Tapwave Zodiac 2
A PDA designed for handheld gaming. It was held sideways (landscape), had an analog joystick and extra gaming buttons, and used Bluetooth for multiplayer gaming as well as standard PDA functions. It also introduced a dedicated video chip, and dual SD card slots.
* Tapwave Zodiac 1 -- Palm OS 5.2T
* Tapwave Zodiac 2 -- Palm OS 5.2T
[edit] Emulators
* POSE (Palm OS Emulator) -- Free emulator for PC
* Palm OS Simulator
* StyleTap
Fossil, following in its tradition of watchmaking, has begun making Wrist PDAs that use the Palm OS operating system.(Discontinued)
* AU5005 -- Palm OS 4.1
* AU5006 -- Palm OS 4.1
* AU5008 -- Palm OS 4.1
* FX2008 -- Palm OS 4.1
* FX2009 -- Palm OS 4.1
[edit] Aceeca
* Meazura -- Palm OS 4.1.2
[edit] Acer
* S10 -- Palm OS 4.1 - first Chinese Palm
* S50 -- Palm OS 4.1
* S60 -- Palm OS 4.1
[edit] AlphaSmart
* Dana -- Palm OS 4.1.2 - small "laptop" with Palm OS
[edit] Group Sense PDA
Smartphones with Palm OS
* Xplore G18 -- Palm OS 4.1
* Xplore G88 -- Palm OS 4.1
* Xplore M28 -- Palm OS 5.4
* Xplore M68 -- Palm OS 5.4
* Xplore M98 -- Palm OS 5.4
* Xplore M70 -- Palm OS 5.4
[edit] Handera
* Handera 330 -- Palm OS 3.5.3
* TRGpro -- Palm OS 3.5.3 - introduced standard (CF) Card slot (company was at that time TRG (Technology Resource Group))
[edit] Handspring
The inventors of the Palm formed a new company called Handspring in June 1998, operating until 2003 when it merged with Palm, Inc.'s hardware division.
[edit] Treo
Smartphones (except 90)
The Treo 300
* Treo 90 -- Palm OS 4.1H, can be updated to 4.1H3 which adds SDIO support
* Treo 180 -- Palm OS 3.5.2H
* Treo 180g -- Palm OS 3.5.2H The Treo 180 with graffiti area, rather than a thumbboard
* Treo 270 -- Palm OS 3.5.2H
* Treo 300 -- Palm OS 3.5.2H6.2
* Treo 600 -- Palm OS 5.2.1H
[edit] Visor
Visors introduced color cases and the Springboard Expansion slot.
* Visor Deluxe -- Palm OS 3.1H2
* Visor Edge -- Palm OS 3.5.2H2
* Visor Neo -- Palm OS 3.5.2H3
* Visor Platinum -- Palm OS 3.5.2H
* Visor Prism -- Palm OS 3.5.2H
* Visor Pro -- Palm OS 3.5.2H3
[edit] Garmin
PDA with integrated GPS.
* iQue 3600a -- Palm OS 5.4
* iQue 3600 -- Palm OS 5.2.1
* iQue 3200 -- Palm OS 5.2.1
* iQue 3000 -- Palm OS 5.2.1
[edit] IBM
IBM's Workpad series was nearly identical to PDAs manufactured by Palm. The main difference were color and logo on the casing.
[edit] WorkPad
* WorkPad (rebadged PalmPilot)
* WorkPad 20X (rebadged Palm III)
* WorkPad 30X (rebadged Palm IIIx)
* WorkPad c3 (rebadged Palm V/Vx)
* WorkPad c500 (rebadged Palm m500)
* WorkPad c505 (rebadged Palm m505)
[edit] Kyocera
* QCP-6035 -- Palm OS 3.5.3
* QCP-7135 -- Palm OS 4.1
[edit] Legend Group
* Pam 168 -- Palm OS 4.1
[edit] Lenovo
Chinese PDA's
* p100 -- Palm OS 5.3
* p300 -- Palm OS 5.3
[edit] Palm, Inc. & PalmOne, Inc.
A Palm Pilot 5000
* Pilot 1000 (as division of U.S. Robotics) -- Palm OS 1.0 - 16 MHz, 128 KB RAM
* Pilot 5000 (as division of U.S. Robotics) -- Palm OS 1.0 - 512 KB RAM
* PalmPilot Personal (as division of U.S. Robotics) -- Palm OS 2.0
* PalmPilot Professional (as division of U.S. Robotics) -- Palm OS 2.0 - 1 MB RAM, Backlight
* Palm III -- Palm OS 3.0 - 2 MB RAM (update possible to 3.3 (website))
* Palm IIIc -- Palm OS 3.5.3 - Color Screen
* Palm IIIe -- Palm OS 3.1
* Palm IIIx -- Palm OS 3.1 - 4 MB RAM (update possible to 3.3 (website) or 4.1 (CD))
A Palm IIIxe unit with Accessories.
* Palm IIIxe -- Palm OS 3.5 - 8 MB RAM (update possible to 4.1 (CD) & a 3.5 patch Available from website (3.5.3))
* Palm V -- Palm OS 3.1 (later 3.3) - thin, sleek, metal case
* Palm VII -- Palm OS 3.2 - Wireless
* Palm VIIx Palm OS 3.5 (update possible to 3.5.3)
* Palm Vx -- Palm OS 3.3 (update possible to 3.5 and then 3.5.3 (website) or 4.1 (CD))
* Palm m100 -- Palm OS 3.0
* Palm m105 -- Palm OS 3.5
* Palm m125 -- Palm OS 3.5
* Palm m130 -- Palm OS 4.1
* Palm m500 -- Palm OS 4.0 (later 4.1)
* Palm m505 -- Palm OS 4.0
* Palm m515 -- Palm OS 4.1
* Palm i705 -- Palm OS 4.1
[edit] Zire
The Zire series, now replaced by the "Z" series, are the lower end Palm models.
The PalmOne Zire 31 and stylus
* Zire (also known as m150) -- Palm OS 4.1
* Zire 21 -- Palm OS 5.2.8
* Zire 71 -- Palm OS 5.2.1
* Zire 31 -- Palm OS 5.2.8 - New PIM
* Zire 72/Zire 72s -- Palm OS 5.2.8 - New PIM
* Palm Z22 -- Palm OS 5.4.9 - New PIM - NVFS
[edit] Tungsten
The Tungsten series are the high end Palm models, with ARM/RISC processors (except T|W), high-resolution color screens, and SD memory cards.
* Tungsten C -- Palm OS 5.2.1 - 400 MHz, WiFi
* Tungsten E -- Palm OS 5.2.1
* Tungsten E2 -- Palm OS 5.4.7 - NVFS
* Tungsten T (also known as m550) -- Palm OS 5.0 - 320x320 screen, Slider case, Voice Recorder
* Tungsten T2 -- Palm OS 5.2.1 - 32MiB RAM, Graffiti 2
* Tungsten T3 -- Palm OS 5.2.1 - 320x480 screen
* Tungsten T5 -- Palm OS 5.4.0 (5.4.8 with version 1.1 update) - NVFS, internal USB flash drive
* Tungsten W -- Palm OS 4.1 - Keyboard, ~Cell service, SD Card
* Palm TX -- Palm OS 5.4.9 - NVFS
[edit] Treo
The Treo series are combo Cell Phones/PDA models, originally developed by Handspring.
* Treo 600 -- Palm OS 5.4 - (The first models were "Handspring"-branded, later models were "Palm"-branded.)
* Treo 650 -- Palm OS 5.4, 5.4.5 or 5.4.8 depending on specific carrier version
* Treo 680 -- Palm OS 5.4.9
* Treo 700p -- Palm OS 5.4.9
* Treo 755p -- Palm OS 5.4.9
* Palm Centro -- Palm OS 5.4.9
[edit] LifeDrive
* LifeDrive -- Palm OS 5.4.8 - 4GB Harddrive
[edit] Qualcomm
Smartphones, later sold to Kyocera
* pdQ 1900 -- PalmOS 3.0
* pdQ 800 -- PalmOS 3.0
[edit] Samsung
* SPH-i300 -- Palm OS 3.5
* SPH-i330 -- Palm OS 3.5.3
* SPH-i500 -- Palm OS 4.1
* SPH-i550 -- Palm OS 5.2
* SGH-i530 -- Palm OS 5.2
* SCH-i539 -- Palm OS 5.4.1
[edit] Sony CLIÉ
See also: CLIÉ
Sony developed and marketed the CLIÉ multimedia PDA from 2000 to 2005.
The Sony CLIÉ TJ37
[edit] N Series
* PEG-N610C -- Palm OS 4.0
* PEG-N710C -- Palm OS 3.5.2
* PEG-N760C -- Palm OS 4.1S
[edit] NR Series
* PEG-NR70 -- Palm OS 4.1S
* PEG-NR70V -- Palm OS 4.1S
[edit] NX Series
* PEG-NX60 -- Palm OS 5.0
* PEG-NX70V -- Palm OS 5.0
* PEG-NX73V -- Palm OS 5.0
* PEG-NX80V -- Palm OS 5.0
[edit] NZ Series
* PEG-NZ90 -- Palm OS 5.0
[edit] S Series
* PEG-S300 -- Palm OS 3.5S
* PEG-S320 -- Palm OS 4.0S
* PEG-S360 -- Palm OS 4.0S
* PEG-S500C -- Palm OS 3.5S
[edit] SJ Series
* PEG-SJ20 -- Palm OS 4.1
* PEG-SJ22 -- Palm OS 4.1
* PEG-SJ30 -- Palm OS 4.1
* PEG-SJ33 -- Palm OS 4.1
[edit] SL Series
* PEG-SL10 -- Palm OS 4.1
[edit] T Series
* PEG-T415 -- Palm OS 4.1
* PEG-T615C -- Palm OS 4.1
* PEG-T665C -- Palm OS 4.1
[edit] TG Series
* PEG-TG50 -- Palm OS 5.0
[edit] TH Series
* PEG-TH55 -- Palm OS 5.2
[edit] TJ Series
* PEG-TJ25 -- Palm OS 5.2
* PEG-TJ27 -- Palm OS 5.2
* PEG-TJ35 -- Palm OS 5.2
* PEG-TJ37 -- Palm OS 5.2
[edit] UX Series
* PEG-UX40 -- Palm OS 5.2
* PEG-UX50 -- Palm OS 5.2
[edit] VZ Series
* PEG-VZ90 -- Palm OS 5.2.1
[edit] Symbol
PDA with integrated barcode reader
* SPT-1500 -- Palm OS 3.0.2r3
* SPT-1550 -- Palm OS 3.0
* SPT-1700 -- Palm OS 3.5
* SPT-1733 -- Palm OS 3.5.2
* SPT-1734 -- Palm OS 3.5.2
* SPT-1740 -- Palm OS 3.5
* SPT-1800 -- Palm OS 4.0
* SPT-1833 -- Palm OS 4.0
* SPT-1834 -- Palm OS 4.0
* SPT-1846 -- Palm OS 4.0
[edit] Tapwave
The Tapwave Zodiac 2
A PDA designed for handheld gaming. It was held sideways (landscape), had an analog joystick and extra gaming buttons, and used Bluetooth for multiplayer gaming as well as standard PDA functions. It also introduced a dedicated video chip, and dual SD card slots.
* Tapwave Zodiac 1 -- Palm OS 5.2T
* Tapwave Zodiac 2 -- Palm OS 5.2T
[edit] Emulators
* POSE (Palm OS Emulator) -- Free emulator for PC
* Palm OS Simulator
* StyleTap
[edit] Acer C500 Series(integrated GPS)
* c510
* c530
* c531
* Ferrari Racing
[edit] Acer N Series
* n10
* n30
* n50
* n35 (integrated GPS)
* n300
* n310
* n311
* n320
[edit] ASUS
* MyPal A600 [1]
* MyPal A620
* MyPal A620BT
* MyPal A626
* MyPal A632
* MyPal A636
* MyPal A636N
* MyPal A632N
* MyPal A639
* MyPal A716
* MyPal A730
* MyPal A730W
* P505
* P525
* P535
* P735
[edit] Audiovox (Now UTStarcom)
* Thera - Pocket PC with Built-In CDMA Verizon cellphone
* PPC-6600/6601 - HTC Harrier (CDMA)
* PPC-6700 - HTC Apache (CDMA)
* PPC4100 - GSM/GPRS Pocket PC Phone
* PPC-6800 - HTC Mogul (CDMA)
* PPC-6900 - HTC Touch (CDMA)
[edit] Binatone
[edit] Binatone Carrera (GPS)
* X350
* X430
[edit] Casio
[edit] Cassiopeia
* BE-300
* E-100
* E-115
* E-125
* EM-500
[edit] Compaq
* PC Companion
[edit] Cowon
* Cowon Q5W
[edit] E-TEN
* M600[2]
* G500[3]
* X500 glofiish[4]
* M700 glofiish[5]
* T500[6]
* X800 glofiish[7]
[edit] Dell
[edit] Dell Axim
* Axim X30[8]
* Axim X5[9]
* Axim X50[10]
* Axim X50v[11]
* Axim X51[12]
* Axim X51v[13]
[edit] Dopod
Dopod Site [14]
* Dopod C500 [15]
* Dopod C730 [16]
* Dopod HTC Touch [17]
* Dopod D600 [18]
* Dopod M700 [19]
* Dopod C720 [20]
* Dopod 838 Pro [21]
* Dopod 818Pro [22]
* Dopod C800 [23]
* Dopod P800W [24]
* Dopod D810 [25]
* Dopod U1000 [26]
* Dopod 595 [27]
* Dopod 300 [28]
[edit] Fujitsu
* Pencentra 130[29]
* Pencentra 200[30]
[edit] Fujitsu-Siemens Computers
* Pocket LOOX 600
* Pocket LOOX 610BT
* Pocket LOOX 610BT/WLAN
* Pocket LOOX 410
* Pocket LOOX 420
* Pocket LOOX 710
* Pocket LOOX 718
* Pocket LOOX 720
* Pocket LOOX N500
* Pocket LOOX N520
* Pocket LOOX N560
* Pocket LOOX C550
* Pocket LOOX N100
* Pocket LOOX N110
* Pocket LOOX T810
* Pocket LOOX T830
[edit] Garmin
* iQue M5 [31]
* iQue M4 [32]
* iQue M3 [33]
[edit] Gizmondo
* Gizmondo
* Gizmondo 2
[edit] Hewlett Packard
[edit] Jornada
* Jornada 520 series
* Jornada 540 series
* Jornada 560 series
* Jornada 680 series
* Jornada 690 series
* Jornada 710
* Jornada 720
* Jornada 728
* Jornada 820 handheld
[edit] HP/Compaq iPAQ
* H1940/H1945
* H3630
* H3670
* H3760
* H3850
* H3870
* H3950
* H3955
* H3970
* H3975
* H4150
* H4155
* HP2210
* HX2110
* HX2400 Series
* HX2795
* HX2795b
* HX4700
* HX4705
* RX1950
* RX1955
* RX3115
* RX3715
* RX5910
* RZ1715
* hw6500 Series
[edit] Hitachi
* Hitachi G1000
[edit] HTC
* HTC Advantage X7500/HTC Athena
* HTC Advantage X7501/HTC Athena
* HTC Advantage X7510
* HTC Alpine
* HTC Amadeus
* HTC Apache
* HTC Artemis/HTC P3300
* HTC Atlas/HTC P4351
* HTC Blue Angel
* HTC Breeze/HTC MTeoR
* HTC Canary
* HTC Cavalier/HTC S630
* HTC Census/HTC P6000
* HTC Charmer
* HTC Cheetah
* HTC Erato/HTC S420
* HTC Excalibur/HTC S620/HTC S621
* HTC Falcon
* HTC Faraday
* HTC Feeler
* HTC Foreseer
* HTC Galaxy
* HTC Gene/HTC P3400/HTC P3401
* HTC Gemini
* HTC Harrier
* HTC Herald/HTC P3450
* HTC Hermes
* HTC Himalaya
* HTC Iris/HTC S640
* HTC Kii
* HTC Libra/HTC 5800/HTC S720
* HTC Love/HTC P3350
* HTC Melody/HTC Muse
* HTC Magician
* HTC Monet/HTC S320
* HTC Omni
* HTC Oxygen/HTC S310
* HTC Panda/HTC P6300
* HTC Pharos/HTC P3470
* HTC Prophet
* HTC Robbie
* HTC Rosella/iPAQ H3870/iPAQ H3875
* HTC Sedna/HTC P6500
* HTC Sirius/HTC P6550
* HTC Sonata
* HTC Startrek/HTC S411
* HTC Tanager
* HTC Titan/HTC P4000
* HTC Tornado/HTC Tornado Noble/HTC Tornado Tempo
* HTC Touch/HTC Elf/HTC Ted Baker Needle/HTC Vogue/HTC P3050/HTC P3450/HTC P3452
* HTC Touch Cruise/HTC Touch Find/HTC Polaris/HTC P3650
* HTC Touch Diamond/HTC Victor/HTC P3100/HTC P3700/HTC P3702
* HTC Touch Dual//HTC Nike/HTC P5500
* HTC Touch Find
* HTC Touch Pro/HTC Raphael
* HTC Trinity/HTC P3600
* HTC Typhoon
* HTC TyTN/HTC Hermes
* HTC TyTN II/HTC Kaiser
* HTC Vox/HTC S710/HTC S711
* HTC Universal
* HTC Voyager
* HTC Wallaby
* HTC Wave
* HTC Wings/HTC S730
* HTC Wizard/HTC Prodigy/HTC P4300
* HTC P3400i
* HTC P3600i
[edit] i-mate
* Momento Digital Photo Frame
* Pocket PC
[edit] IBM
* Workpad z50
[edit] JVC
* MP-PV131 (never released)
[edit] Jointech
* J-Pro JL7100 Mini Laptop
[edit] LG
* LN505 GPS Navigator.
[edit] Linksys
* Linksys WIP-300 VoIP WIFi phone.
* Linksys WIP-330 VoIP WIFi phone.
[edit] Magellan Navigation
* Magellan RoadMate 1200
* Magellan RoadMate 1412
* Magellan Maestro 3100
* Magellan Maestro 4210
[edit] Mobile Crossing
* WayPoint 100 includes CF based GPS
* WayPoint 200 includes BT based GPS
[edit] Motorola
* Motorola MC17
* Motorola MC35
* Motorola MC50
* Motorola MC70
* Motorola MPx200
* Motorola MPx220
* Motorola MPx300
* Motorola i920/i930
* Template:Motorola Vip 1200
[edit] MWg
* Atom Life
* Atom V
* MWg Zinc II
* MWg UBiQUiO 503g
* MWg UBiQUiO 501
[edit] NEC
* Nec MobilePro
[edit] NTT DoCoMo
* Sigmarion series
[edit] O2
* O2 XDA
* O2 XDA IIi
* O2 XDA IIs
* O2 XDA Atom
* O2 XDA Atom Executive
* O2 XDA Atom Life
* O2 XDA Flame
* O2 XDA Orbit
[edit] Palm
* Treo 700w
* Treo 700wx
* Treo 750
* Treo 755p
* Treo 800w
* Treo 500
* Centro
[edit] Philips
* Philips Nino - bar-style device with touchscreen
* Philips Velo - small-notebook-style device with monochrome display
[edit] Samsung
* 40" LCD screens for enterprises communication
* Digital photo frames
[edit] Silvercrest
* Mobile Navigation System PNA-M4310T - A navigation system from the homebrand of Lidl
[edit] Siemens
* SX56
* SX66
* P1
* Siemens Sirec D300
[edit] Snap-on Tools
* Snap-on SOLUS
[edit] Sophia Mobile
* nani
[edit] ThinCCo
* Tisio 90CE [34]
* Tisio 95CE [35]
* Tisio 96CE [36]
* Tisio 300CE [37]
[edit] Toshiba
* e310
* e335
* e355
* e400
* e450
* e550g
* e740
* e750
* e800
* e805
* e830
* g500
* g900
[edit] Unitech
* MR650
* PA950
* PA962
* PA966
[edit] UTStarcom
* PPC-6700 - HTC Apache
* PPC-6800 - HTC Mogul
* PPC-6900 - HTC Touch
[edit] Vadem
* Clio 1000
* Clio 1050
* clio NXT
[edit] Viewsonic
* V35
* V36
* V37
* V38
[edit] Yakumo
* deltaX 5 BT [38]
[edit] Emulators
* Microsoft Windows CE 5.0 Device Emulator
* GXemul (Unconfirmed)
* Virtio Virtual Platforms (Can emulate custom ARM and MIPS based Windows CE devices.)
[edit] Acer C500 Series(integrated GPS)
* c510
* c530
* c531
* Ferrari Racing
[edit] Acer N Series
* n10
* n30
* n50
* n35 (integrated GPS)
* n300
* n310
* n311
* n320
[edit] ASUS
* MyPal A600 [1]
* MyPal A620
* MyPal A620BT
* MyPal A626
* MyPal A632
* MyPal A636
* MyPal A636N
* MyPal A632N
* MyPal A639
* MyPal A716
* MyPal A730
* MyPal A730W
* P505
* P525
* P535
* P735
[edit] Audiovox (Now UTStarcom)
* Thera - Pocket PC with Built-In CDMA Verizon cellphone
* PPC-6600/6601 - HTC Harrier (CDMA)
* PPC-6700 - HTC Apache (CDMA)
* PPC4100 - GSM/GPRS Pocket PC Phone
* PPC-6800 - HTC Mogul (CDMA)
* PPC-6900 - HTC Touch (CDMA)
[edit] Binatone
[edit] Binatone Carrera (GPS)
* X350
* X430
[edit] Casio
[edit] Cassiopeia
* BE-300
* E-100
* E-115
* E-125
* EM-500
[edit] Compaq
* PC Companion
[edit] Cowon
* Cowon Q5W
[edit] E-TEN
* M600[2]
* G500[3]
* X500 glofiish[4]
* M700 glofiish[5]
* T500[6]
* X800 glofiish[7]
[edit] Dell
[edit] Dell Axim
* Axim X30[8]
* Axim X5[9]
* Axim X50[10]
* Axim X50v[11]
* Axim X51[12]
* Axim X51v[13]
[edit] Dopod
Dopod Site [14]
* Dopod C500 [15]
* Dopod C730 [16]
* Dopod HTC Touch [17]
* Dopod D600 [18]
* Dopod M700 [19]
* Dopod C720 [20]
* Dopod 838 Pro [21]
* Dopod 818Pro [22]
* Dopod C800 [23]
* Dopod P800W [24]
* Dopod D810 [25]
* Dopod U1000 [26]
* Dopod 595 [27]
* Dopod 300 [28]
[edit] Fujitsu
* Pencentra 130[29]
* Pencentra 200[30]
[edit] Fujitsu-Siemens Computers
* Pocket LOOX 600
* Pocket LOOX 610BT
* Pocket LOOX 610BT/WLAN
* Pocket LOOX 410
* Pocket LOOX 420
* Pocket LOOX 710
* Pocket LOOX 718
* Pocket LOOX 720
* Pocket LOOX N500
* Pocket LOOX N520
* Pocket LOOX N560
* Pocket LOOX C550
* Pocket LOOX N100
* Pocket LOOX N110
* Pocket LOOX T810
* Pocket LOOX T830
[edit] Garmin
* iQue M5 [31]
* iQue M4 [32]
* iQue M3 [33]
[edit] Gizmondo
* Gizmondo
* Gizmondo 2
[edit] Hewlett Packard
[edit] Jornada
* Jornada 520 series
* Jornada 540 series
* Jornada 560 series
* Jornada 680 series
* Jornada 690 series
* Jornada 710
* Jornada 720
* Jornada 728
* Jornada 820 handheld
[edit] HP/Compaq iPAQ
* H1940/H1945
* H3630
* H3670
* H3760
* H3850
* H3870
* H3950
* H3955
* H3970
* H3975
* H4150
* H4155
* HP2210
* HX2110
* HX2400 Series
* HX2795
* HX2795b
* HX4700
* HX4705
* RX1950
* RX1955
* RX3115
* RX3715
* RX5910
* RZ1715
* hw6500 Series
[edit] Hitachi
* Hitachi G1000
[edit] HTC
* HTC Advantage X7500/HTC Athena
* HTC Advantage X7501/HTC Athena
* HTC Advantage X7510
* HTC Alpine
* HTC Amadeus
* HTC Apache
* HTC Artemis/HTC P3300
* HTC Atlas/HTC P4351
* HTC Blue Angel
* HTC Breeze/HTC MTeoR
* HTC Canary
* HTC Cavalier/HTC S630
* HTC Census/HTC P6000
* HTC Charmer
* HTC Cheetah
* HTC Erato/HTC S420
* HTC Excalibur/HTC S620/HTC S621
* HTC Falcon
* HTC Faraday
* HTC Feeler
* HTC Foreseer
* HTC Galaxy
* HTC Gene/HTC P3400/HTC P3401
* HTC Gemini
* HTC Harrier
* HTC Herald/HTC P3450
* HTC Hermes
* HTC Himalaya
* HTC Iris/HTC S640
* HTC Kii
* HTC Libra/HTC 5800/HTC S720
* HTC Love/HTC P3350
* HTC Melody/HTC Muse
* HTC Magician
* HTC Monet/HTC S320
* HTC Omni
* HTC Oxygen/HTC S310
* HTC Panda/HTC P6300
* HTC Pharos/HTC P3470
* HTC Prophet
* HTC Robbie
* HTC Rosella/iPAQ H3870/iPAQ H3875
* HTC Sedna/HTC P6500
* HTC Sirius/HTC P6550
* HTC Sonata
* HTC Startrek/HTC S411
* HTC Tanager
* HTC Titan/HTC P4000
* HTC Tornado/HTC Tornado Noble/HTC Tornado Tempo
* HTC Touch/HTC Elf/HTC Ted Baker Needle/HTC Vogue/HTC P3050/HTC P3450/HTC P3452
* HTC Touch Cruise/HTC Touch Find/HTC Polaris/HTC P3650
* HTC Touch Diamond/HTC Victor/HTC P3100/HTC P3700/HTC P3702
* HTC Touch Dual//HTC Nike/HTC P5500
* HTC Touch Find
* HTC Touch Pro/HTC Raphael
* HTC Trinity/HTC P3600
* HTC Typhoon
* HTC TyTN/HTC Hermes
* HTC TyTN II/HTC Kaiser
* HTC Vox/HTC S710/HTC S711
* HTC Universal
* HTC Voyager
* HTC Wallaby
* HTC Wave
* HTC Wings/HTC S730
* HTC Wizard/HTC Prodigy/HTC P4300
* HTC P3400i
* HTC P3600i
[edit] i-mate
* Momento Digital Photo Frame
* Pocket PC
[edit] IBM
* Workpad z50
[edit] JVC
* MP-PV131 (never released)
[edit] Jointech
* J-Pro JL7100 Mini Laptop
[edit] LG
* LN505 GPS Navigator.
[edit] Linksys
* Linksys WIP-300 VoIP WIFi phone.
* Linksys WIP-330 VoIP WIFi phone.
[edit] Magellan Navigation
* Magellan RoadMate 1200
* Magellan RoadMate 1412
* Magellan Maestro 3100
* Magellan Maestro 4210
[edit] Mobile Crossing
* WayPoint 100 includes CF based GPS
* WayPoint 200 includes BT based GPS
[edit] Motorola
* Motorola MC17
* Motorola MC35
* Motorola MC50
* Motorola MC70
* Motorola MPx200
* Motorola MPx220
* Motorola MPx300
* Motorola i920/i930
* Template:Motorola Vip 1200
[edit] MWg
* Atom Life
* Atom V
* MWg Zinc II
* MWg UBiQUiO 503g
* MWg UBiQUiO 501
[edit] NEC
* Nec MobilePro
[edit] NTT DoCoMo
* Sigmarion series
[edit] O2
* O2 XDA
* O2 XDA IIi
* O2 XDA IIs
* O2 XDA Atom
* O2 XDA Atom Executive
* O2 XDA Atom Life
* O2 XDA Flame
* O2 XDA Orbit
[edit] Palm
* Treo 700w
* Treo 700wx
* Treo 750
* Treo 755p
* Treo 800w
* Treo 500
* Centro
[edit] Philips
* Philips Nino - bar-style device with touchscreen
* Philips Velo - small-notebook-style device with monochrome display
[edit] Samsung
* 40" LCD screens for enterprises communication
* Digital photo frames
[edit] Silvercrest
* Mobile Navigation System PNA-M4310T - A navigation system from the homebrand of Lidl
[edit] Siemens
* SX56
* SX66
* P1
* Siemens Sirec D300
[edit] Snap-on Tools
* Snap-on SOLUS
[edit] Sophia Mobile
* nani
[edit] ThinCCo
* Tisio 90CE [34]
* Tisio 95CE [35]
* Tisio 96CE [36]
* Tisio 300CE [37]
[edit] Toshiba
* e310
* e335
* e355
* e400
* e450
* e550g
* e740
* e750
* e800
* e805
* e830
* g500
* g900
[edit] Unitech
* MR650
* PA950
* PA962
* PA966
[edit] UTStarcom
* PPC-6700 - HTC Apache
* PPC-6800 - HTC Mogul
* PPC-6900 - HTC Touch
[edit] Vadem
* Clio 1000
* Clio 1050
* clio NXT
[edit] Viewsonic
* V35
* V36
* V37
* V38
[edit] Yakumo
* deltaX 5 BT [38]
[edit] Emulators
* Microsoft Windows CE 5.0 Device Emulator
* GXemul (Unconfirmed)
* Virtio Virtual Platforms (Can emulate custom ARM and MIPS based Windows CE devices.)
OS versions
Main article: Windows Mobile
Windows Mobile 6.1
Microsoft's current release is Windows Mobile 6.1, one of the major changes from WM6 is the introduction of Instant messaging-like texting. Press release on April 1st 2008. Windows Mobile 6.1 again was built upon Windows CE 5.
Windows Mobile 6
Microsoft's Windows Mobile 6, internally code-named "Crossbow'". It was officially released by Microsoft on February 12, 2007. Windows Mobile 6 was still based on Windows CE 5 and was effectively just a facelift of Windows Mobile 5. With Windows Mobile 6 also came Microsoft's new naming conventions and devices were no longer called Pocket PCs. Windows Mobile Classic would become the name for Pocket PC type devices without phone capabilities and Windows Mobile Professional would be used for devices with phone capabilities.
Windows Mobile 5
Windows Mobile 5 for Pocket PC was based on Windows CE 5 and contained numerous fixes and improvements over Pocket PC 2003 SE.
Pocket PCs running previous versions of the operating system generally stored user-installed applications and data in RAM, which meant that if the battery was depleted the device would lose all of its data. Windows Mobile 5.0 solved this problem by storing all user data in persistent (flash) memory, leaving the RAM to be used only for running applications, as it would be on a desktop computer. As a result, Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PCs generally had a greater amount of flash memory, and a smaller amount of RAM, compared to earlier devices
Windows Mobile 2003
Windows Mobile 2003 consisted of the Windows CE.NET 4.2 operating system bundled with scaled-down versions of many popular desktop applications, including Microsoft Outlook, Internet Explorer, Word, Excel, Windows Media Player, and others.
Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition added native landscape, square screen and VGA support as well as other fixes and changes to those features already present in the original release of Windows Mobile 2003.
Pocket PC 2000 and 2002
Pocket PC 2002 (launched October 2001) and Pocket PC 2000 (launched April 2000) both ran Windows CE 3.0 underneath. Some Pocket PC 2002 devices were also sold as "Phone Editions" which included cell phone functionality in addition to the PDA capabilities. Read More ..
Main article: Windows Mobile
Windows Mobile 6.1
Microsoft's current release is Windows Mobile 6.1, one of the major changes from WM6 is the introduction of Instant messaging-like texting. Press release on April 1st 2008. Windows Mobile 6.1 again was built upon Windows CE 5.
Windows Mobile 6
Microsoft's Windows Mobile 6, internally code-named "Crossbow'". It was officially released by Microsoft on February 12, 2007. Windows Mobile 6 was still based on Windows CE 5 and was effectively just a facelift of Windows Mobile 5. With Windows Mobile 6 also came Microsoft's new naming conventions and devices were no longer called Pocket PCs. Windows Mobile Classic would become the name for Pocket PC type devices without phone capabilities and Windows Mobile Professional would be used for devices with phone capabilities.
Windows Mobile 5
Windows Mobile 5 for Pocket PC was based on Windows CE 5 and contained numerous fixes and improvements over Pocket PC 2003 SE.
Pocket PCs running previous versions of the operating system generally stored user-installed applications and data in RAM, which meant that if the battery was depleted the device would lose all of its data. Windows Mobile 5.0 solved this problem by storing all user data in persistent (flash) memory, leaving the RAM to be used only for running applications, as it would be on a desktop computer. As a result, Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PCs generally had a greater amount of flash memory, and a smaller amount of RAM, compared to earlier devices
Windows Mobile 2003
Windows Mobile 2003 consisted of the Windows CE.NET 4.2 operating system bundled with scaled-down versions of many popular desktop applications, including Microsoft Outlook, Internet Explorer, Word, Excel, Windows Media Player, and others.
Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition added native landscape, square screen and VGA support as well as other fixes and changes to those features already present in the original release of Windows Mobile 2003.
Pocket PC 2000 and 2002
Pocket PC 2002 (launched October 2001) and Pocket PC 2000 (launched April 2000) both ran Windows CE 3.0 underneath. Some Pocket PC 2002 devices were also sold as "Phone Editions" which included cell phone functionality in addition to the PDA capabilities. Read More ..
Pocket PC
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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A modern Pocket PC phone
A Pocket PC, abbreviated P/PC or PPC, is a hardware specification for a handheld-sized computer (Personal digital assistant) that runs the Microsoft Windows Mobile operating system. It may have the capability to run an alternative operating system like NetBSD, Linux, Android or others. It has many of the capabilities of modern desktop PCs.
Currently there are thousands of applications for handhelds adhering to the Microsoft Pocket PC specification, many of which are freeware. Some of these devices also include mobile phone features. Microsoft compliant Pocket PCs can also be used with many other add-ons like GPS receivers, barcode readers, RFID readers, and cameras.
In 2007, with the advent of Windows Mobile 6, Microsoft dropped the name Pocket PC in favor of a new naming scheme. Devices without an integrated phone are called Windows Mobile Classic devices instead of Pocket PCs. Devices with an integrated phone and a touch screen are called Windows Mobile Professional devices and devices without a touch screen are called Windows Mobile Standard devices Read More ..
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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A modern Pocket PC phone
A Pocket PC, abbreviated P/PC or PPC, is a hardware specification for a handheld-sized computer (Personal digital assistant) that runs the Microsoft Windows Mobile operating system. It may have the capability to run an alternative operating system like NetBSD, Linux, Android or others. It has many of the capabilities of modern desktop PCs.
Currently there are thousands of applications for handhelds adhering to the Microsoft Pocket PC specification, many of which are freeware. Some of these devices also include mobile phone features. Microsoft compliant Pocket PCs can also be used with many other add-ons like GPS receivers, barcode readers, RFID readers, and cameras.
In 2007, with the advent of Windows Mobile 6, Microsoft dropped the name Pocket PC in favor of a new naming scheme. Devices without an integrated phone are called Windows Mobile Classic devices instead of Pocket PCs. Devices with an integrated phone and a touch screen are called Windows Mobile Professional devices and devices without a touch screen are called Windows Mobile Standard devices Read More ..
Setting GPRS Handphone
Setting GPRS Handphone
for everyone
Petunjuk Umum
1. Kecuali untuk kartu IM3, penyetingan GPRS atau MMS memerlukan proses aktivasi terlebih dahulu.
2. Proses aktivasi dilakukan dengan cara menghubungi operator yang bersangkutan sesuai kartu yang digunakan.
3. Mengenai cara melakukan aktivasi secara detil dapat dilihat pada detil penyetingan GPRS di bawah ini.
Setting GPRS Matrix / Mentari
Profile Name : satelindo
Homepage URL : http://wap.matrix-centro.com
IP Address :
Bearer : GPRS
User Name :
Password :
APN : satelindogprs.com
Activate GPRS : ACTGPRS kirim ke 888
Call Center : (021) 5438 8888 atau 222 (dari handphone)
Setting GPRS simPATI (Telkomsel)
1. Menggunakan ponsel dengan fasilitas GPRS.
2. Masih memiliki pulsa minimum Rp. 500,- dibawah nilai tersebut Anda tidak dapat menggunakan layanan GPRS, MMS maupun SMS.
3. Mendaftar sebagai pelanggan GPRS, yang hanya dapat dilakukan melalui SMS.
Caranya :
- Ketik pesan SMS : GPRS [Nomor Kartu]
- Contoh : GPRS 6210009922069556
- Kirim ke : 6616
Catatan :
- Tarif pesan kirim SMS : Rp. 350 ,- / pesan.
- Nomor kartu merupakan nomor ICCID (Integrated Circuit Card Identification) yang terdiri dari 16 (enam belas) digit nomor dan terdapat di belakang chip kartu simPATI Nusantara Anda.
- Isi pesan tidak tergantung pada huruf besar atau kecil (non case sensitive).
- Dalam pengetikan nomor kartu tidak boleh ada spasi.
4. Sistem akan memberikan pesan notifikasi SMS kepada Anda setelah beberapa waktu untuk memberitahukan bahwa permintaan aktivasi sedang diproses : "Your request for GPRS Setup already received. Please wait for max. 48 hours for succesfull activation notification message."
5. Pemrosesan aktivasi membutuhkan waktu maksimum 48 jam.
6. Setelah proses aktivasi sukses dilakukan, sistem akan memberitahukan kepada Anda melalui SMS dari 6616 : "Welcome to GPRS Service! Your GPRS service has been activated. Please visit www.telkomsel.com for more information"
7. Melakukan setting pada terminal komunikasi yang digunakan dengan parameter-parameter seperti berikut :
� Connection Name : APN Telkomsel
� Data Bearer : GPRS
� Access Point Name : telkomsel
� Username : wap
� Prompt Password : No
� Password : wap123
� Authentication : Normal
� Homepage : http://wap.telkomsel.com
� WAP Gateway IP Address :
� Port : 9201 (standard), 8000 (proxy)
8. Berada di wilayah layanan GPRS.
9. Untuk menggunakan WAP Telkomsel dengan GPRS, pastikan Anda telah terdaftar pada www.telkomsel.com.
10. Untuk menggunakan WAP Telkomsel dengan GPRS, pastikan Anda melakukan setting handset untuk menggunakan Access Point Name (APN) telkomsel.
Setting GPRS kartuHALO (Telkomsel)
1. Menggunakan ponsel dengan fasilitas GPRS.
2. Mendaftar sebagai pelanggan GPRS, pendaftaran dapat dilakukan di GraPARI atau hubungi Caroline di nomor 111, layanan bebas pulsa dari kartuHALO Anda, atau dapat dilakukan melalui SMS :
Caranya :
- Ketik pesan SMS : GPRS
- Contoh : GPRS
- Kirim ke : 6616
Catatan :
- Tarif pesan kirim SMS : Rp. 250 ,- / pesan.
3. Sistem akan memberikan pesan notifikasi SMS kepada Anda setelah beberapa waktu untuk memberitahukan bahwa permintaan aktivasi sedang diproses : "Your request for GPRS Setup already received. Please wait for max. 48 hours for succesfull activation notification message."
4. Pemrosesan aktivasi membutuhkan waktu maksimum 48 jam.
5. Setelah proses aktivasi sukses dilakukan, sistem akan memberitahukan kepada Anda melalui SMS dari 6616 : "Welcome to GPRS Service! Your GPRS service has been activated. Please visit www.telkomsel.com for more information"
6. Melakukan setting pada terminal komunikasi yang digunakan dengan parameter-parameter seperti berikut :
� Connection Name : APN Telkomsel
� Data Bearer : GPRS
� Access Point Name : telkomsel
� Username : wap
� Prompt Password : No
� Password : wap123
� Authentication : Normal
� Homepage : http://wap.telkomsel.com
� WAP Gateway IP Address :
� Port : 9201 (standard), 8000 (proxy)
7. Berada di wilayah layanan GPRS.
8. Untuk menggunakan WAP Telkomsel dengan GPRS, pastikan Anda telah terdaftar pada www.telkomsel.com.
9. Untuk menggunakan WAP Telkomsel dengan GPRS, pastikan Anda melakukan setting handset untuk menggunakan Access Point Name (APN) telkomsel.
Setting GPRS XL
* Setting GPRS/MMS Secara Otomatis
Kirimkan SMS berikut ke 9667, hanya Rp. 350,- (sudah termasuk PPN untuk pengguna bebas dan belum termasuk PPN untuk pengguna Xplor).
o Untuk setting GPRS:
o Untuk setting MMS:
Penulisan merk dan tipe ponsel (tidak case sensitive) :
TIPE (pilih salah satu)
3100, 3200, 3220, 3300, 3510, 3510i, 3520, 3530, 3560, 3650, 3660, 5100, 6100, 6108, 6200, 6220, 6225, 6230, 6340i, 6600, 7610, 6610, 6610i, 6650, 6800, 6810, 6820, 7200, 7210, 7250, 7600, 7650, 7700, 8910i, N-Gage, N-Gage QD, 9500
T39m, T68, T68i, T230, T300, T310, T610, T630, P800, P900, P910, Z200, Z600, K700i, K500i, S700i
S57, SL55, SX1, C62, S65, SL65, CX65
X100, X600, E700
Untuk aktivasi GPRS/MMS di sistem, hubungi Customer Service XL di 818 melalui nomor bebas/Xplor Anda (bebas pulsa) atau 021 57959818 melalui nomor lainnya (dikenakan tarif sesuai dengan yang berlaku).
* Setting GPRS/MMS Secara Manual
Setting Parameter GPRS :
o Connection name : XL GPRS
o Data bearer : GPRS
o Access point name : www.xlgprs.net
o User name : xlgprs
o Prompt Password : No
o Password : proxl
o Authentication : Normal
o Homepage : http://wap.lifeinhand.com
o Connection Security :- off
o Session mode : permanent
o Phone IP address : Automatic
o Primary name server :
o Secondary name server :
o WAP Gateway IP Address :
o Port : 9201 (standard), 8080 (proxy)
Setting GPRS IM3
* Setting GPRS Secara Otomatis
Kirim SMS ke 3939 dengan isi pesan :
GPRS [Merk HP] [Type HP]
Contoh :
- GPRS Nokia 7650
- GPRS Ericsson T68
- GPRS SE P800
* Setting GPRS Secara Manual
Setting Parameter GPRS :
o Connection name : M3-GPRS
o Access point name : www.indosat-m3.net
o User name : gprs
o Password : im3
o Authentication : Normal
o Homepage : http://wap.indosat-m3.net
o IP address :
o Port : 9201 (standard), 8080 (proxy
* sumber : Studio hp
for everyone
Petunjuk Umum
1. Kecuali untuk kartu IM3, penyetingan GPRS atau MMS memerlukan proses aktivasi terlebih dahulu.
2. Proses aktivasi dilakukan dengan cara menghubungi operator yang bersangkutan sesuai kartu yang digunakan.
3. Mengenai cara melakukan aktivasi secara detil dapat dilihat pada detil penyetingan GPRS di bawah ini.
Setting GPRS Matrix / Mentari
Profile Name : satelindo
Homepage URL : http://wap.matrix-centro.com
IP Address :
Bearer : GPRS
User Name :
Password :
APN : satelindogprs.com
Activate GPRS : ACT
Call Center : (021) 5438 8888 atau 222 (dari handphone)
Setting GPRS simPATI (Telkomsel)
1. Menggunakan ponsel dengan fasilitas GPRS.
2. Masih memiliki pulsa minimum Rp. 500,- dibawah nilai tersebut Anda tidak dapat menggunakan layanan GPRS, MMS maupun SMS.
3. Mendaftar sebagai pelanggan GPRS, yang hanya dapat dilakukan melalui SMS.
Caranya :
- Ketik pesan SMS : GPRS [Nomor Kartu]
- Contoh : GPRS 6210009922069556
- Kirim ke : 6616
Catatan :
- Tarif pesan kirim SMS : Rp. 350 ,- / pesan.
- Nomor kartu merupakan nomor ICCID (Integrated Circuit Card Identification) yang terdiri dari 16 (enam belas) digit nomor dan terdapat di belakang chip kartu simPATI Nusantara Anda.
- Isi pesan tidak tergantung pada huruf besar atau kecil (non case sensitive).
- Dalam pengetikan nomor kartu tidak boleh ada spasi.
4. Sistem akan memberikan pesan notifikasi SMS kepada Anda setelah beberapa waktu untuk memberitahukan bahwa permintaan aktivasi sedang diproses : "Your request for GPRS Setup already received. Please wait for max. 48 hours for succesfull activation notification message."
5. Pemrosesan aktivasi membutuhkan waktu maksimum 48 jam.
6. Setelah proses aktivasi sukses dilakukan, sistem akan memberitahukan kepada Anda melalui SMS dari 6616 : "Welcome to GPRS Service! Your GPRS service has been activated. Please visit www.telkomsel.com for more information"
7. Melakukan setting pada terminal komunikasi yang digunakan dengan parameter-parameter seperti berikut :
� Connection Name : APN Telkomsel
� Data Bearer : GPRS
� Access Point Name : telkomsel
� Username : wap
� Prompt Password : No
� Password : wap123
� Authentication : Normal
� Homepage : http://wap.telkomsel.com
� WAP Gateway IP Address :
� Port : 9201 (standard), 8000 (proxy)
8. Berada di wilayah layanan GPRS.
9. Untuk menggunakan WAP Telkomsel dengan GPRS, pastikan Anda telah terdaftar pada www.telkomsel.com.
10. Untuk menggunakan WAP Telkomsel dengan GPRS, pastikan Anda melakukan setting handset untuk menggunakan Access Point Name (APN) telkomsel.
Setting GPRS kartuHALO (Telkomsel)
1. Menggunakan ponsel dengan fasilitas GPRS.
2. Mendaftar sebagai pelanggan GPRS, pendaftaran dapat dilakukan di GraPARI atau hubungi Caroline di nomor 111, layanan bebas pulsa dari kartuHALO Anda, atau dapat dilakukan melalui SMS :
Caranya :
- Ketik pesan SMS : GPRS
- Contoh : GPRS
- Kirim ke : 6616
Catatan :
- Tarif pesan kirim SMS : Rp. 250 ,- / pesan.
3. Sistem akan memberikan pesan notifikasi SMS kepada Anda setelah beberapa waktu untuk memberitahukan bahwa permintaan aktivasi sedang diproses : "Your request for GPRS Setup already received. Please wait for max. 48 hours for succesfull activation notification message."
4. Pemrosesan aktivasi membutuhkan waktu maksimum 48 jam.
5. Setelah proses aktivasi sukses dilakukan, sistem akan memberitahukan kepada Anda melalui SMS dari 6616 : "Welcome to GPRS Service! Your GPRS service has been activated. Please visit www.telkomsel.com for more information"
6. Melakukan setting pada terminal komunikasi yang digunakan dengan parameter-parameter seperti berikut :
� Connection Name : APN Telkomsel
� Data Bearer : GPRS
� Access Point Name : telkomsel
� Username : wap
� Prompt Password : No
� Password : wap123
� Authentication : Normal
� Homepage : http://wap.telkomsel.com
� WAP Gateway IP Address :
� Port : 9201 (standard), 8000 (proxy)
7. Berada di wilayah layanan GPRS.
8. Untuk menggunakan WAP Telkomsel dengan GPRS, pastikan Anda telah terdaftar pada www.telkomsel.com.
9. Untuk menggunakan WAP Telkomsel dengan GPRS, pastikan Anda melakukan setting handset untuk menggunakan Access Point Name (APN) telkomsel.
Setting GPRS XL
* Setting GPRS/MMS Secara Otomatis
Kirimkan SMS berikut ke 9667, hanya Rp. 350,- (sudah termasuk PPN untuk pengguna bebas dan belum termasuk PPN untuk pengguna Xplor).
o Untuk setting GPRS:
o Untuk setting MMS:
Penulisan merk dan tipe ponsel (tidak case sensitive) :
TIPE (pilih salah satu)
3100, 3200, 3220, 3300, 3510, 3510i, 3520, 3530, 3560, 3650, 3660, 5100, 6100, 6108, 6200, 6220, 6225, 6230, 6340i, 6600, 7610, 6610, 6610i, 6650, 6800, 6810, 6820, 7200, 7210, 7250, 7600, 7650, 7700, 8910i, N-Gage, N-Gage QD, 9500
T39m, T68, T68i, T230, T300, T310, T610, T630, P800, P900, P910, Z200, Z600, K700i, K500i, S700i
S57, SL55, SX1, C62, S65, SL65, CX65
X100, X600, E700
Untuk aktivasi GPRS/MMS di sistem, hubungi Customer Service XL di 818 melalui nomor bebas/Xplor Anda (bebas pulsa) atau 021 57959818 melalui nomor lainnya (dikenakan tarif sesuai dengan yang berlaku).
* Setting GPRS/MMS Secara Manual
Setting Parameter GPRS :
o Connection name : XL GPRS
o Data bearer : GPRS
o Access point name : www.xlgprs.net
o User name : xlgprs
o Prompt Password : No
o Password : proxl
o Authentication : Normal
o Homepage : http://wap.lifeinhand.com
o Connection Security :- off
o Session mode : permanent
o Phone IP address : Automatic
o Primary name server :
o Secondary name server :
o WAP Gateway IP Address :
o Port : 9201 (standard), 8080 (proxy)
Setting GPRS IM3
* Setting GPRS Secara Otomatis
Kirim SMS ke 3939 dengan isi pesan :
GPRS [Merk HP] [Type HP]
Contoh :
- GPRS Nokia 7650
- GPRS Ericsson T68
- GPRS SE P800
* Setting GPRS Secara Manual
Setting Parameter GPRS :
o Connection name : M3-GPRS
o Access point name : www.indosat-m3.net
o User name : gprs
o Password : im3
o Authentication : Normal
o Homepage : http://wap.indosat-m3.net
o IP address :
o Port : 9201 (standard), 8080 (proxy
* sumber : Studio hp
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